The Fitzpatrick Company
D6B Manual Ver 1_24 Jan 2012-DRAFT.doc
A Unit of
Page 35 of 49
Slide the flanged dual lip seal into the chamber bore (Fig. 6.3.1) until flange is seated
completely against chamber wall. The lip seal can be removed for inspection using the (2)
1392-0337 removal brackets shown in section 7.2.
Slide the screen carrier assembly with screen into the chamber until seated against rear wall
(Fig. 6.3.2).
Slide the rotor onto the shaft (knife forward shown) and rotate until slots on rotor are lined up
with the slots on the shaft (Fig. 6.3.3).
Place the rotor key in the rotor slot and seat completely. Screw down the key tightener using
the special wrench (see section 7.2) provided (Fig. 6.3.4)
The chamber door hinge is an articulating design which been designed to allow the door to
first pull away from the chamber squarely before rotating out of the way. If the door has
been removed for cleaning, simply re-bolt the hinge at the point it was removed from
chamber or door.
Install the spliced o-ring rope in the mill door groove.
Close the mill chamber door taking care to align the door (2) dowel bores with the dowel
pins protruding from the chamber. Once aligned, hold the door by its handles and press the
door firmly closed.
Install the (5) similar handknobs and tighten hand tight (Fig. 6.3.5).
Install the knob with the stud protruding from its face handtight (Fig. 6.3.6).
Next install the proximity switch safety bracket with the Elobau magnetic target bolted to it.
The Elobau target inserts in the mill door bore.
Install the final handknob to secure the elobau target bracket.
Safety Note:
The purpose of the safety bracket is to increase the time it takes to open the mill door. The
removal of the bracket with target engages the emergency stop system, thus killing power to
the rotor motor. The motor freely spins to a stop.
6.3.1 Chamber & Lip Seal