Input Settings Screen
This screen displays filtering and processing
parameters for the chosen input (which
appears as a heading). Active functions are
highlighted in red. Turning the knob allows to
navigate between the options of that func-
tion. Clicking on the knob confirms the selec-
tion and takes you to the next function. If you
do not want to change anything you can
simply click once again and move on to the
next item on the menu.
If you wish to return to the main screen, simply go to
“Back to the Main Screen”
and turn the
in many files there is little real musical
content above 25-30kHz the rest being noise.
The filters address this issue especially for high
resolution files. Landing on the filter highlights
it in red and opens the selection. Turning the
knob takes you through the seven (7) preset
filter choices. These are,
• Fast roll-off, minimum phase.
• Slow roll-off minimum phase.
• Fast roll-off linear phase.
• Slow roll-off linear phase.
• Brick wall.
• Hybrid, fast roll-off minimum phase.
• Apodizing, fast roll-off minimum phase
Clicking on your selection confirms your
choice and takes you to the next function.
We recommend you start experimenting with
these after the first 3-4 weeks of operation.
(infinite impulse response): set at 47.44kHz
for PCM it is user selectable for DSD (50-60-
Lock speed:
this function sets the number
of audio samples that are required from the
incoming signal before the DPLL and jitter
eliminator lock onto it. The default value is
On the rare occasion where there is no lock
turn to the other values, preferably in de-
scending order 8192, 4092, 2048, 1024.
a filter that attenuates high
frequencies and counteracts emphasis often
used in mastering. We recommend that you
leave this disabled.
Keeping the knob pressed for 2-3secs takes
you to the
General settings screen