After using the device, switch it off by turning the temperature control dial counter clockwise to position /. Close
the lid and unplug the power plug from the power socket.
Let the device with hot oil inside cool down completely in a safe location inaccessible to children.
10. This device is only suitable for oil fondues!
Atte n tio n ! Prior to each cleaning, turn the machine off and disconnect the power plug from the socket. Let the
device cool down completely in a location that is safely out of reach of children.
Clean the device after each frying process. Food remains can begin to burn easily and can cause the used oil to
become rancid quickly. If you do reuse the oil, make sure to remove any food remains from the oil first.
Change the oil regularly.
Clean the outer casing and lid with a slightly damp cloth and a mild cleanser, if necessary.
Clean the frying container (6) with hot water and dish soap; then rinse with cold water.
The frying basket (8) and the handle (13) can be cleaned with hot water and dish soap as well as in the
Clean the fondue insert (7) and the fondue forks (5) with hot water and dish soap.
Ne ve r su b m e rg e th is d e vice in to wa te r a n d n e ve r h o ld it u n d e r ru nn in g wa te r.
M a ke su re th a t n o wa te r g e ts in sid e th e d e vice d u rin g clea n ing .
Atte n tio n ! Do not under any circumstance use alcohol, acetone, petrol, aggressive cleansers, etc. to clean the
plastic parts. In addition, do not use hard brushes or metal objects for cleaning purposes.
After each cleaning, dry off each part thoroughly before the device is used again.
Store the device in a dry, cool location that is protected from moisture and direct sunlight.
Store the device in a location that is inaccessible for children.
C leanin g th e filter:
Th e filte r sh o u ld b e cle a n ed o n a re g u la r b a sis.
IIn o rd e r to cle a n th e filte r, th e m e ta l co ve r h a s to b e re m o ve d . To d o th is, lo o se n th e 3 scre ws
in th e m e ta l co ve r. Use a Ph illip s h e a d scre wd rive r.
Th e n th e d irty fil te r ca n b e re m o ve d a n d cle an e d with h o t wa te r a n d d ish so a p . Afte r th a t, rin se
th e filte r wi th cle a n wa rm wa te r .
L e t th e fil te r co o l o f f co m p le te ly in a we ll ve n tila te d lo ca tio n b e fo re p u ttin g it b a ck in to th e lid .
Th e filte r co u ld b e co m e d e fo rm ed fro m wa sh in g it, b u t m a y still b e u se d .
Scre w o n th e m e ta l co ve r a g a in .
Mains operation:
220 V – 240 V ~ 50Hz
Power consumption:
Safety Class:
Disp o sa l o f o ld e le ctric d e vice s.
The European directive 2002/96/EC for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) states that
used household devices should not be disposed of with unsorted community waste. These used
devices must be collected separately from household waste in order to increase the percentage of
recovered devices and to recycle their parts, with the goal of reducing the negative effects on human
health and on the environment.
The symbol of the crossed out garbage can will be stamped onto all devices as a reminder of the obligation to put them
in a separate garbage collection. The consumer must consult local authorities or the vendor to inform themselves about
the manner in which their device should be disposed of.
Wh e n th e de vice ha s re a che d th e e nd o f its se rvice life , m a ke it d e fe ctive b y d isco n ne ctin g th e
p o we r p lu g fro m th e so cke t a n d cu ttin g th e co rd in two .
Disp o se o f th e p a cka g in g m a te ria ls in a n a p p rop ria te wa y. Co n ta ct yo u r lo ca l a u th o ritie s a b o u t
co lle ctin g p o in ts o r wa ste se p a ra tio n .
Im p o rte d b y:
Dirk Rossmann GmbH
Isernhägener Straße 16
30938 Burgwedel