4. Report Writer
It is possible to toggle between the ThermalVision analysis software and the Report Writer
software from the drop down view menu or the toolbar.
There are three steps to create a report. There is a separate tab for each function.
1. Title page. Enter details that should appear in the title page of the report.
2. Image select. This allows the selection of the images needed for the report.
3. Inspection Data. Information and additional data about each image can be added and then
the report can be generated.
4.1. Title Page tab
When the Report Writer software is opened the title page appears as shown above. There is
an empty space where a logo or other image can be placed to appear on the front page of the
final report.
Press the set image button.
Windows Explorer can now be used to find an image.
Click on the open button to select and place an image or logo in the title page.
Enter the rest of the details required for the front page of the report.
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