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Replacing Fuses
To avoid electrical shock, remove the test leads and any input signals before
replacing the battery or fuses. To prevent damage or injury, INSTALL ONLY
quick acting fuses with the following Amp/Volt current interrupt rating:
FS1 Fuse: 15A, 600V, FAST. Minimum interrupt rating 100,000A
FS2 Fuse: 1A, 600V, FAST. Minimum interrupt rating 10,000A
1. Open the case as described in “
Open Meter Case
” section, steps 1 – 6
2. Gently lift the case top to separate the two halves of the case.
3. Remove the fuse by gently prying one end loose, then sliding the fuse out of its
4. Replace the fuse only with one specified above.
5. Verify that the rotary switch and the circuit board switch are in the
6. Place the case top on the case bottom, ensuring that the gasket is properly seated and
the case halves snap together (See Figure 1).
7. Reinsert the three case bottom screws and the battery door.
To avoid electrical shock or damage to the Meter, never allow water inside
the case. To avoid damaging the Meter’s housing, never apply solvents to
the Meter.
Input Terminals
Water, dirt, or other contamination in the
input terminals may
activate the Input Alert beeper even though test leads are not inserted.
Such contamination might be dislodged by turning the Meter over and,
with all test leads removed, gently tapping on the case.
To clean the input terminals more effectively, do the following:
1. Turn the Meter off and remove all test leads from the terminals.
2. Use a clean swab in each of the four terminals to dislodge and clean out the
3. Moisten a new swab with a cleaning and oiling agent. Work this swab around in each
of the four terminals. The oiling agent insulates the terminals from moisture-related
shorting and ensures against false Input Alerts.
Performance Tests
The following performance tests verify the complete operability of the Meter and checks the accuracy of
each Meter function against the Meter’s specifications.
Accuracy specifications are valid for a period of one year after calibration, when measured at an operating
temperature of 18°C to 28°C and at a maximum of 80% relative humidity.
To perform the following tests, it is not necessary to open the case; no adjustments are necessary. Merely
make the required connections, apply the designated inputs, and determine if the reading on the Meter display
falls within the acceptable range indicated.
If the Meter fails any of these tests, it needs calibration adjustment or repair.
Form number TM61494-5
Rev 2 February 2002