@2020 iDFTECH
Personal Responsibility To Drone Maintenance
As a drone owner it is your personal responsibility to maintain the drone for safe operation and ensure you
calibrate the compass whenever you have moved to a new location. Failure to check your drone could result in
erratic flying and a crash. Make sure you read the Maintenance section on page 24.
Wind Speed
Never attempt to fly the drone in winds where you have no experience. Start flying your drone on a calm day. Then
gradually fly it in higher winds and gain experience slowly. Our recommendation is to avoid flying in wind speeds
greater than 30kph or 17knots.
Pilot Ability
The more you use the drone, the better your flying skills will become. Practice in ATTI mode to upskill yourself.
ATTI Mode provides no position hold or GPS assistance. Unfortunately, no GPS system is 100% reliable, so in the
event of a GPS glitch, magnetic or signal interference you will need to MANUALLY pilot the drone home without
the aid of GPS MODE by selecting ATTI Mode.
A useful APP is UAV forecast
- this APP tells you if the GPS satellite signal will be good or bad.