@2020 iDFTECH
Never continue to fly the quadcopter once the Low battery warning is
indicated – continued use at low battery levels could result in over discharge
and result in battery cell damage.
The lithium batteries should be removed from the aircraft after each
flight. When not in use the lithium batteries should be placed in a fireproof
pouch or container and stored in a cool environment to avoid accidents.
Cooling Fan
Battery Sockets
Temp. Sensor
Balance Sockets
PC Link
DC Output 5V 2.1A
LCD Screen
3. Once all of the parameters are input, Press and HOLD the ENTER
Button down until the Charger makes a confirmation sound and
displays ‘CONFIRM’ – Please ENTER again to confirm and the
battery will commence charging.
Once the battery is fully charged the charger will automatically stop
charging and make a confirmation sound – please disconnect the
Battery Safety and Care
DO NOT leave batteries in full charge state when not in use
• DO NOT leave on low charge when not in use
NEVER over charge or over discharge a LiPo battery
ALWAYS store batteries at 3.8V per cell
ALWAYS store LiPo batteries in a fire-proof pouch and in a cool environment
Treat battery terminals occasionally with high quality anti corrosion spray such as CorrosionX. TREAT all the
wires at the point they go into the battery so the corrosion formula can protect the terminals inside the battery
• TREAT the copper plugs on the XT 90 yellow plug and the Quick Switch terminal and plug
ALWAYS treat the battery and contacts after saltwater exposure
Study the LiPo voltage chart below to assist you with your battery condition checking – Use the BX100 battery checker
If a LiPo battery swells or is deformed – Discard it Immediately!
Wind levels and heavy baits will affect the batteries power levels significantly – ALWAYS pay attention to the drone and
remote controller’s battery levels