Track | 11
Let’s Practice Recording After a Scan:
We'll now scan the Warranty Card, and record your own message.
This exercise is again with the Warranty Card bar code. But, this time you will add your own message
in addition to the Warranty Card message you just heard. So, once again, scan the card barcode. Now
find the round record button and press it once. When released, the recorder will instruct you to record a
new message by pressing and holding the record button. In this example, record your name and phone
number into the device. After you re-cord the message, it will always be played back to you.
If you scan the warranty card again, you will hear the Warranty Card message first, then your recorded
name and phone number.
Here’s a tip - You can add any number of recorded messages associated with each barcode. Also, you
can cycle through each of the messages associated with any bar code using the next and previous
buttons. After cycling through the messages you will return back to the first message. Think of the
memory card as a continuous string of messages, where you will select the previous or next record
relative to the message being played.