Protege Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Installation Manual | April 2011
Step 1
Open the ‘Properties’dialog for the Analog Expander AExxx with the required address.
Step 2
Select to the appropriate ‘Channel’ tab for the channel to be modified.
The channels that each Protege Temperature and Humidity Sensor will monitor are:
Channel 1: Internal temperature
Channel 2: Humidity
Channel 3: Dew Point
Channel 4: External Temperature (thermocouple)
Step 3
Tick the ‘Enable Channel’ option.
Step 4
Select an ‘Update Time’ from the drop down box. Five seconds is recommended for initial setup, once
complete this should be set to a longer time period to minimize network traffic.
Step 5
Close the dialog then perform a Module Update by right clicking on the Module name and selecting ‘Update
This Module’from the pop up menu.
The ‘Log Channel Data’ option may also be selected to view the raw data as it is received in the event
log, however this will create a large amount of events and should only be used for verifying the
reception of data.