Modular Power Series
855-340-004_Rev2.0_Instruction Manual
of 81
Disable this Output
: Select this box to disable the output if an over
current alarm occurs. The default setting is Unselected.
Output Under-Current Alarm
Under-Current Threshold:
Set the current that will trigger an
undercurrent alarm on this output. Output current below this level for at
least 5 seconds will trigger the Under-Current Alarm. Disable this alarm
by setting the threshold to 0 amps. The default setting is 0 (Disabled).
NOTE: Save Settings for each channel, and then repeat the setup process
for all four output channels to be used.
4.6 Alarms
Use this tab to see the alarms on this unit and to control their settings.
4.6.1 STATUS
This tab shows all active alarms and up to 32 historic alarms. The history
will be cleared after the ICM is rebooted.
Active Alarms
Shows the module that the alarm is on; the name of the alarm; the time that
the alarm started and the status of the alarm (ACTIVE).
Alarm History
Shows the module that the alarm is on; the name of the alarm; the time that
the alarm started; and the time that the alarm cleared.