1. Introduction
The HFM1 is a measurement system for analysis of thermal resistance and thermal
transmittance of building elements by in- situ measurement. It can be used for
measurements according to ISO 9869 and ASTM C1155 and C1046 standards. In
its standard configuration the HFM1 system is equipped with:
HFM1 Data Logger;
HFP01 Heat Flux Plates (2);
THERM-MICRO Temperature Sensors (4); and,
CH-24 Power Supply.
The HFM1 is a plug-and-play system; the datalogger and sensors are pre-configured by ICT
International. To commence data collection, the user powers the system and assigns a data
logging interval.
The output from the HFP01 sensor sensors is W/m
and for the temperature sensors is °C.
The HFM1 is powered by an internal battery for short term data collection, and can be
charged using a solar panel or mains power for uninterrupted continuous
data collection
This manual outlines how to deploy a HFM1 for data collection and download, view and
process HFM1 data files.
Enabling better research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.