8.3 Conversion Configuration
Conversion Configuration allows conversion scripts and tables to be added. These can be assigned to a
channel in Channel Configuration.
When your instrument arrives from ICT International it will be preloaded with all necessary tables
and/or scripts.
8.4 Advanced Configuration
The Advanced Configuration section is used to combine 2 single-ended inputs into a single differential
input. This should not be altered unless instructed to do so by ICT International technical support.
8.5 SD Card Logging Options
Options for additional parameters to be logged to the data file. By default, all these options are enabled.
ICT International recommend logging these options.
Raw millivolt data:
Raw mV outputs from the sensors. Useful for post processing or changing conversion
Internal battery information:
Internal battery voltage and temperature. Used for troubleshooting and
External supply information:
External power supply voltage and current. Used for troubleshooting and
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