nGauge AFM User Manual
override the mechanism.
If internet connection is available, this section shows if the software and
firmware used are up to date. If updates are available, please go to
to find the newest versions of software and
firmware. Click on the
Check Updates
button to query the server again for
availability of updates.
Lock Button:
locks/unlocks most of the advanced controls. The locked controls
can render the system inoperable if not used properly, so user beware.
Force Curve
: opens a window where you can run a routine to generate a
noncontact force curve. A force curve ramps the Fine Z from 2V to 0V, then
back up to 2V and measures the cantilever oscillation amplitude and phase.
The resulting graph shows the tip-sample interaction force with respect to tip-
sample distance.
Reset AFM
: resets the hardware. Please close and reopen the software to
connect to the hardware again.
Restore Defaults
: reset all of the settings to the default values.
Release Port
: release the USB connection.
Choose Firmware:
currently Windows only. Opens a window that allows you
to locate the firmware update. Firmware update files are binary (.bin) files, and
can be downloaded from our support page.
Enter Bootloader
: erase the firmware program to allow for firmware updates
or flashing custom firmware. To reprogram firmware, please click the “Update
Firmware” button after choosing the firmware update file and entering into the
: do not click this button unless you need to reprogram
firmware and that you are confident with the process as this will erase current
firmware. Contact
for any questions regarding firmware
Update Firmware:
currently Windows only. Reprograms the nGauge unit with
the version of the firmware binary selected (see “Choose Firmware” button).
ensure the connection to the unit is stable, and do not spam-click
this button. Improper usage may result in a unit locked in a non-operable
it may require more than one run of the “Update Firmware” routine
to successfully reprogram. Messages will pop up in the bottom left corner
while the unit is reprogramming, attempt after the message report the end of
the routine.