Save Information
After the selection of this option a file dialog is opened, which allows you to specify the
path and name of the Save Information file. This file has a standard ASCII format and can
be viewed or printed with a normal editor (e.g., notepad) or word processing system.
The Save Information file contains all relevant information on the ICP Controller (including
firmware version, cache size, connector assignment, termination assignment), the con-
nected devices (e.g., firmware version, SCSI parameters, selected transfer rate, number of
grown defects, last status information), the Logical Drives , Array Drives and Host Drives.
Thus, it represents a very easy and effective way to create a detailed documentation of the
ICP Controller(s) and disk array(s).
The Save Information file can also be very helpful for a remote diagnosis of a system. If a
trained support person has a copy of this file (by fax, by email), she/he can very easily find
the appropriate steps to bring the system back to full operation.
Update the ICP Controller Firmware
The firmware, the BIOS and ICPCON of the ICP Controller are stored in a Flash-RAM which
is part of the ICP Controller hardware. In contrast to EPROMs, Flash-RAMs can be re-
programmed many times and without the complicated UV-light erasing procedure. Thus,
both software modules can be easily updated without having to remove the controller from
its PCI slot. Firmware and BIOS are part of the GDT_RPFW file.
To get the latest firmware for your ICP Controller, you can visit our website at
or our ftp server at:
The file has an extension (e.g., GDT_RPFW.009) which indicates the version stepping. We
recommend that you also download the packed files which contain the latest pro-
grams/drivers for the operating system used on your system. Observe the following order
when carrying out the updating procedure:
Get the latest GDT_RPFW file for the ICP Controller. The file does NOT need to be ex-
panded !
Format a 3.5" HD disk (1.44MB) and copy the GDT_RPFW file on this disk.
After selecting the Firmware Update option a file dialog opens where you should specify
the path (A:). A list of firmware versions (normally only one) is displayed. After selecting
the new firmware and final confirmation, the new firmware is programmed into the
Flash-RAM of the ICP Controller.
The new firmware becomes active after the next cold boot.
Note: All user specific settings concerning the ICP Controller and the disk arrays are not
affected by the firmware update.