1 4 . Su bn e t M a sk
The Subnet mask is often simply called the mask. Given its own IP address and its subnet
mask, a host can determine if a TCP/IP packet is destined for a host that is (1) on its own
subnet, or (2) on a different network. If (1), the packet will be delivered directly; otherwise it,
will be delivered via a gateway or router.
1 5 . TCP ( Tr a n sm ission Con t r ol Pr ot ocol)
TCP provides a reliable flow of data between two hosts and is associated with tasks such
as dividing the data passed to it from applications into appropriately sized chunks for the
network layer below, acknowledging received packets, setting timeouts to make certain that
the other end acknowledges packets that are sent, and so on.
1 6 . TCP/ I P
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) are the standard
network protocols. They are almost always implemented and used together in a formation is
known as TCP/IP. TCP/IP can be used to communicate across any set of interconnected
1 7 . UD P ( Use r D a t a gr a m Pr ot ocol)
UDP provides a much simpler service to the application layer as if just sends packets of
data from one host to the other, but there is no guarantee that the packets will reach the
destination host.
t GW - 7 0 0 Se r ie s Use r M a n u a l, V e r sion 1 .6 , Ju l. 2 0 1 1
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