3 . Et h e r n e t
The term Ethernet generally refers to a standard published in 1982 by Digital Equipment
Corp., Intel Corp. and Xerox Corp. Ethernet is the most popular physical layer local area
network (LAN) technology today. Ethernet is a best-effort delivery system that uses
CSMA/CD technology. It recognizes hosts using 48-bit MAC address.
4 . Fir m w a r e
Firmware is an alterable program located or stored in the semi-permanent storage area,
e.g., ROM, EEPROM, or Flash memory.
5 . Ga t e w a y
Computers that interconnect two networks and pass packets from one to the other are
called Internet Gateways or Internet Routers. Gateways route packets that are based on
the destination network, not on the destination host.
6 . I CM P ( I n t e r n e t Con t r ol M e ssa ge s Pr ot ocol)
No system works correctly all the time. ICMP provides a method of communicating
between the Internet Protocol software on one machine and the Internet Protocol software
on another. It allows gateways to send error or control messages to other gateways or
allows a host to know what is wrong with the network communication.
7 . I n t e r n e t
Physically, the Internet is a collection of packet switching networks interconnected by
gateways that together with TCP/IP protocol, allows them to perform logically as a single,
large and virtual network. The Internet recognizes hosts using 32-bit IP address.
8 . I P ( I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol) a ddr e ss
Every interface on the Internet must have a unique IP address (also called an Internet
address). These addresses are 32-bit numbers. They are normally written as four decimal
numbers, one for each byte of the address such as “”. This is called dotted-
decimal notation.
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