I - 7 5 5 0 E Q u i c k S t a r t
( V e r s i o n 1 . 0 0 , J u n e / 2 0 1 4 )
1. Introduction
This manual introduces the I-7550E's basic setting and operating quickly, the user
can refer to the user manual in the ICP DAS companion CD-ROM (Path:
“CD:\profibus\converter\i-7550e\manual\i-7550e user manual.pdf”).
This manual helps users to understand about the I-7550E module and application. In
the following examples the CIF50-PB PROFIBUS Master card from Hilscher is
used. The configuration and communication is done by the program “SyCon”
provided by Hilscher.
Application example of PROFIBUS to Ethernet TCP server
In this example the I-7550E acts as a TCP Client device. When PROFIBUS Master
station sends data, I-7550E module can transfer the data to specific TCP server. If I-
7550E module receives the data from TCP server, it can send the data to the input
data area of PROFIBUS master station.
2. Hardware configuration
PROFIBUS connection
Ethernet connection
RS-232 connection
Power connection
I-7550E Quick Start