GRP-520 User Manual, V1.30, Aug. 2015
Modbus/TCP to Modbus/RTU over 3G, and Card Reader Monitor
This example shows Modbus/TCP to Modbus/RTU over 3G function”.
After steps below, please set “IP:Port” of Modbus/TCP program as “” on
your control center (Port 10001 is RS485; Port 10002 is RS232)
Please connect your device (M-7017 or PLC) to RS-485 of GRP-520.
Baudrate of Modbus device is 9600 bps, data format is 8N1 (Data bits, Parity, Stop bits).
Baudrate of Card Reader is 115200 bps
If you never use VxServer, please refer the link as below:
you need download VxServer software and VxComm software, and install it on your
control center.
Set Pin code of your SIM card, and Enable “Auto-Dialing” function.
Set “User Name” and “Password” if your SIM card needs it.
Press “Modify”