ive Users Manual - Models ICL-R & IC215S-R
Double clicking on the Group icon will open
the Connect Properties folder. Notice that the
Group Connect window shown here is very
similar to the one for individual loudspeakers
except for the lack of level meters and Co-
braNet channel selection facilities.
In the dark grey area on the left are Power,
Wink with Light and Wink with Audio buttons.
These tools are similar to those in a Loud-
speaker Properties window, but of course
they “Wink’ the front grill lights of all the loud-
speakers in the Group, or send an audio sig-
nal (sine wave signal or pink noise) to them.
The Power button puts all amplifiers in the
Group in Standby or turns all of them On. The
Input Volume control and Mute button also af-
fect all amplifiers in the Group. Group meter-
ing is not available.
The Input selection radio buttons in the light
grey area operate in the same way these
controls operate for individual loudspeakers,
but control all loudspeakers in the Group.
A Group Control mode window is identical to
the one used for individual loudspeakers ex-
cept for the lack of level meters and the addi-
tion of a row of Group Assign boxes under the
EQ filters.
When the Group Assign boxes are checked,
Group EQ and dynamics settings override in-
dividual loudspeaker settings – that is, the
settings you define in the Group window will
be uploaded to all loudspeakers in the Group.
Any EQ filters you do not assign to the Group
will be available within each individual loud-
speaker. Whenever you assign an EQ filter or
the Compressor to Group-level control,a
Warning prompt pops up to remind you that
you will be overwriting individual loudspeaker
These controls will be “grayed out” in the indi-
vidual loudspeaker Properties windows to
show that they are under Group control and
All Loudspeakers functions in the same fash-
ion as Group control, except all of the loud-
speakers are included within the group.