3. VC In 1/2 (Virtual) input level metering
Showing the WDM 1/2 output level (VC In 1/2).
4. VC In 3/4 (Virtual) input level metering
Showing the WDM 3/4 output level (VC In 3/4).
5. VC In 5/6 (Virtual) input level metering
Showing the WDM 5/6 output level (VC In 5/6).
6. VC Out 1/2 (Virtual) output level metering
Showing the ASIO 1/2 VC output level (VC Out 1/2).
7. VC Out 3/4 (Virtual) output level metering
Showing the ASIO 3/4 VC output level (VC Out 3/4).
8. VC Out 5/6 (Virtual) output level metering
Showing the ASIO 5/6 VC output level (VC Out 5/6).
9. Loopback 1/2
Showing the ASIO loop-back 1/2 channel’s level metering.
10. Loopback 3/4
Showing the ASIO loop-back 3/4 channel’s level metering.
11. Loopback 5/6
Showing the ASIO loop-back 5/6 channel’s level metering.
12. Link switch
Switch to adjust both channels level simultaneously.
13. Mute switch
Switch to mute the corresponding channel.
14. “0dB” switch
Switch to instantly adjust the corresponding channel to “0dB” level.
15. Gain control fader
Slide to adjust the gain level for the corresponding channel.
16. Inputs & Outputs Matrix switches
Switch to turn On/Off the corresponding input channel route to the corresponding
output channel. The matrix is very useful and makes your inputs and outputs
very flexible. You may route any of your input(s) to any output(s).