iCON iSOLAR 4” PDP Instruction Manual
7a. Operation summary and commissioning cont.
The internal electronics vary the pump running speed (and therefore flow output)
depending on the energy available by employing MPPT and Vector control to achieve
maximum efficiency.
Solar energy changes constantly especially on cloudy days. The display values will be
constantly changing as the pump adjusts to optimise the output based on the available
input power.
The display value indicates what the pump is currently consuming. It is not a measure of
solar array output. It is normal that the values are constantly changing.
Commissioning note:
It is common when commissioning a new installation that the available solar irradiation is
past the peak of the day or is compromised by cloudy or otherwise poor weather
Use a generator to check the installation. If the pump runs on AC power, it will run when
DC power is available.
Depending on the output of the generator vs the size of the array, the performance of the
pump when connected to the generator may be greater than maximum available from the
solar array. If a pressure switch is fitted to the discharge pipe it will be critical to ensure
the pump can attain the switch off pressure when connected to the solar array.
The low water level float must be installed as an interrupter in the control
circuit (TWL).
Should it sense a lack of water the pump will shut down and the
LED on the controller labelled ‘TANK FULL’ will illuminate.
When the water level rises again the controller will count down from 600 (seconds). The
‘TANK FULL’ LED will switch off and the pump will commence its 120sec restart cycle.
Should the switch circuit TWL (float or pressure switch if fitted) stop the pump
running, the LED on the controller labelled ‘TANK FULL’ will illuminate.
When the pressure drops or float falls, the switch circuit opens again, and the controller
will first count down from 600 (seconds). The ‘TANK FULL’ LED will switch off and the
pump will commence its 120sec restart cycle.
To suspend operation, press ON/OFF.
The PUMP OFF LED will illuminate.