icon Audio LA 4 Instructions Download Page 3

Page 3 



1 Unpack unit carefully

. Make sure that it is in good 

condition. It is important that you keep packaging for 
warranty/service return. 


2 Fit the rectifier valves. 

This should be obvious as there are only two types of 
socket. The 6SN7s are normally left fitted. 

Do not 

pull the 6SN7s by the glass envelope! 

This could 

cause the glass envelope to become detached from 
the base causing irreparable damage. 


3 Connect to source & Output units

, e.g. CD, 

Tuner, Tape, Phono pre amp (if used) and power amp 
etc via appropriate phono sockets and leads. OUT 1 
is the high level output for ICON MB25s etc. OUT 2 is 
a lower level, if you are not sure choose the output 
that gives best results. 


4 Connect to mains

 supply using supplied IEC 

mains lead to 240v supply. 

If for some reason the 

welded plug must be removed, please remove 
fuse and dispose of immediately.

 (As they can be a 

danger to children if plugged in). The replacement 
plug should be wired in the following way Brown to 
Live terminal, Blue to Neutral terminal and 
Green/Yellow to Earth terminal. 



 The blue mains indicator should light 

up and unit will take approximately 40 seconds to 
start working. All valves should have a visible orange 
glow from the cathode heaters.


With the volume 

control set to minimum (fully anti-clockwise) there 
should be no sound coming from the speakers except 
a barely discernable gentle hum.  


7 Your unit should now be functioning

. If not check 

wiring again and/Use selector/tape monitor/volume to 
choose source program and suitable listening volume. 
The best sound quality will be when the unit has 
warmed up for at least 20 mins. 


8 Health and Safety

. The valves when operating 

have high surface temperatures. Keep out of reach of 
children and pets. The use of the supplied guard is 
recommend in these circumstances. Always unplug 
when making adjustments. 

Like all amplifiers there 

are potentially lethal high voltages inside (400v 
DC), which when switched off can take up to 15 
mins to discharge!

 Do not remove bottom panel 

unless you are a competent engineer. There are no 
user serviceable parts inside. 

Like other household 

electrical appliances do not leave unattended 
whilst switched on.



Connecting inputs & outputs 

Many problems with hi fi equipment involve 
connecting leads which are usually either 

‘Bad, or 

Wrong connection’

. So it’s worth making sure that 

you have good connections and that your leads are 
the right way round. 


The amplifier will work with any standard piece of hi fi 
e.g. CD, Tuner, Tape Deck, Mini Disc, TV, Video 
Recorder, DVD etc having an output of 200mv or 
more, to get full power. The position of the volume 
control will vary with the input voltage of different 
units, this has no effect upon performance. 


If you wish to use a turntable you will need a suitable 
phono pre-amp. Your dealer or Icon can assist you. 


Connecting a tape deck


The LA 4 will work with any tape deck having suitable 
output, and it is possible to record from any 
connected source using the terminals marked ‘Pre-
out’. The LA 4 has a ‘Tape Monitor’ facility, which 
enables you to use a ‘three head deck’ or an 
Some tape decks ‘Present a load’ to the amplifier 
terminals, even when not in use, which can affect 
sound quality. (You can do an audible check for this 
by removing the input and listening for a change in 
sound quality). If so remove when not required. 


General points 


Mobile phone ‘breakthrough’ is normal 

  A switch-off ‘click’ through the speakers is 


  Storage in damp conditions could damage 


Connecting Leads 

Use good quality connecting leads, which are no 
longer than they need to be.  


Chassis balance 

Occasionally the chassis may become slightly mis 
aligned during shipping, causing it to “rock” slightly on 
its feet. This may be corrected 1, by adjusting the 
height of rocking feet by rotating them. 2, By standing 
the unit on a solid but un-even surface and pushing 
down firmly on the un-even corners until even 
alignment is obtained. 


Leaving the amp switched on 

People sometimes ask if the amp should be left 
running 24/7 without switching off. Whilst the amplifier 
will sound at its best when it is properly warmed up, 
there is no advantage leaving it switched on when it is 
not in use. It is using electricity and valves have a 
finite life. Conversely the valves and other 
components are stressed more at switch on; therefore 
do not switch on and off unnecessarily. 

Although the 

amplifier should sound good within about 20 
mins, like most hi fi units it can take up to an hour 
to sound at its best and will take a couple of 
months of regular use before it is ‘run in’. 


Cabinet Care 

To remove dust from the cabinet and valves we 
suggest gentle brushing with a soft paintbrush and a 
duster. Finger marks can usually be removed with a 
damp cloth. The Perspex valve cover may need a 
gentle wipe with soapy water and drying with a 
duster. On no account use anything wet on the 
amplifier, and always clean with the power 


When making any adjustments remember to 
isolate from power supply, and remember that 
high voltages can remain present inside for some 
time after switch off. 

