Rev C1, Page 27/28
ABZ/UVW Configuration
To provide differential and line driver ABZ or UVW out-
puts, the iC-TW29 must not be in BiSS mode. Confirm
that BISSEN = 0 in the main GUI window. This is the
case with the TW29_1D demo board.
In the I/O tab, select the desired functionality of the
positive and negative outputs. For example, for differ-
ential RS-422 ABZ outputs, select "A+, B+, Z+" for the
positive outputs, select "A–, B–, Z–" for the negative
outputs, and enable the RS422 line driver. The other
parameters in this tab can be left at their default values.
In the ABZ/UVW tab, enter the resolution for the AB out-
puts as the desired number of increments (edges) per
output revolution. Enter the desired number of UVW cy-
cles per output revolution if the UVW outputs are used.
The other parameters in this tab can be left at their de-
fault values. Save the configuration to EEPROM using
the EEPROM tab, and restart the iC-TW29 by clicking
the play button (
) in the main GUI window.
BiSS/SSI Configuration
To use BiSS or SSI output, the iC-TW29 must be in
BiSS mode. Confirm that BISSEN = 1 in the main GUI
window. This is the case with the TW29_3D demo
The default BiSS configuration uses BP3 (Standard
Encoder Profile), 4 096 increments per singleturn revo-
lution, and no multiturn bits. This configuration may be
changed as desired, but the iC-TW29 must be restarted
by clicking the play button (
) in the main GUI window
for any changes to be recognized by the BiSS Master.
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