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Summary of Contents for THINKPAD X41

Page 1: ...ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

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Page 3: ...ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 4: ... OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions therefore this statement may not apply to you This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors Changes are periodically made to the information herein these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication IBM may make improve...

Page 5: ...ive problems 26 A startup problem 26 Fingerprint authentication problems 28 Other problems 28 Starting IBM BIOS Setup Utility 29 Recovering pre installed software 30 Upgrading the hard disk drive 31 Replacing the battery 34 Using the Extended Life Battery 35 Chapter 3 Getting help and service from IBM 39 Getting help and service 40 Getting help on the Web 40 Calling IBM 40 Getting help around the ...

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Page 7: ...ο προϊ ν σας µπορε τε να συµβ λετε στην προστασ α σας απ κινδ νους και να δηµιουργ σετε να ασϕαλ στερο υπολογιστικ περιβ λλον εργασ ας Σηµε ωση Οι πληροϕορ ες αυτ ς περι χουν αναϕορ ς σε µετασχηµατιστ ς και µπαταρ ες Π ραν των ϕορητ ν προσωπικ ν υπολογιστ ν η IBM παρ χει ορισµ να προϊ ντα πως π χ ηχε α και οθ νες µε εξωτερικο ς µετασχηµατιστ ς Αν χετε να τ τοιο προϊ ν οι πληροϕορ ες αυτ ς ισχ ουν ...

Page 8: ...τις τηλεπικοινωνιακ ς γραµµ ς ως του µιλ σετε µε το Κ ντρο Υποστ ριξης της IBM για περαιτ ρω καθοδ γηση v Καλ δια ρε µατος ϕις µετασχηµατιστ ς επεκτ σεις καλωδ ων συσκευ ς προστασ ας απ υπερτ σεις τροϕοδοτικ που χουν κοπε ραγ σει σπ σει υποστε ζηµ ες v Ενδε ξεις υπερθ ρµανσης καπνο σπ θας ϕωτι ς v Ζηµ ες σε µια µπαταρ α πως ρωγµ ς παραµ ρϕωση αποϕ ρτιση µπαταρ ας συσσ ρευση ξ νων ουσι ν επ νω στη ...

Page 9: ...ται αποκλειστικ για χρ ση µε αυτ το προϊ ν εν πρ πει να χρησιµοποιηθο ν σε καµ α περ πτωση µε οποιοδ ποτε λλο προϊ ν Ποτ µην τυλ γετε να καλ διο ρε µατος γ ρω απ το µετασχηµατιστ λλο αντικε µενο Αν το κ νετε µπορε το καλ διο να καταπονηθε µε αποτ λεσµα να ϕθαρε να κοπε να µπλεχτε Αυτ µπορε να ε ναι επικ νδυνο Να εξασϕαλ ζετε π ντα τι τα καλ δια ρε µατος δεν περνο ν απ σηµε α που µπορε να πατηθο ν ...

Page 10: ...ικαταστ σετε Ορισµ να προϊ ντα χουν ϕις τρι ν ακροδεκτ ν Το ϕις αυτ µπορε να συνδεθε µ νο σε γειωµ νη ηλεκτρικ πρ ζα Αυτ γ νεται για λ γους ασϕ λειας Μην παρακ µψετε αυτ την προϕ λαξη επιχειρ ντας να συνδ σετε την πρ ζα σε µη γειωµ νη πρ ζα Αν δεν µπορε τε να συνδ σετε το ϕις στην πρ ζα επικοινων στε µε ναν ηλεκτρολ γο για να προµηθευτε τε ναν εγκεκριµ νο προσαρµογ α για να αντικαταστ σετε την πρ ...

Page 11: ... σχ µα νοµ σµατος που τροϕοδοτε το ρολ ι του συστ µατος ταν η µηχαν ε ναι αποσυνδεδεµ νη απ την πρ ζα Οι ακ λουθες πληροϕορ ες αϕορο ν λες αυτ ς τις µπαταρ ες v Χρησιµοποιε τε µ νο µπαταρ ες και συσκευ ς επαναϕ ρτισης που ε ναι εγκεκριµ νες απ την IBM για χρ ση µε το συγκεκριµ νο προϊ ν v Ακολουθε τε τις οδηγ ες που παρ χονται µαζ µε το προϊ ν σας ταν ϕορτ ζετε και χρησιµοποιε τε τη µπαταρ α v Μην...

Page 12: ...ιξης της IBM για βο θεια Θερµ τητα και εξαερισµ ς προϊ ντος Οι υπολογιστ ς παρ γουν θερµ τητα ταν ε ναι αναµµ νοι και κατ τη ϕ ρτιση των µπαταρι ν Οι ϕορητο προσωπικο υπολογιστ ς παρ γουν σηµαντικ ποσ τητα θερµ τητας λ γω του µικρο τους µεγ θους Τηρε τε π ντα τις ακ λουθες προϕυλ ξεις v Μην αϕ νετε τη β ση του υπολογιστ σε επαϕ µε το µηρ λλο µ ρος του σ µατ ς σας για µεγ λο χρονικ δι στηµα ταν ε ν...

Page 13: ...ν απ κ θε χρ ση για να βεβαιωθε τε τι δεν χουν ρωγµ ς Μη χρησιµοποιε τε δ σκους που χουν ρωγµ ς λλες ζηµ ες Πρ σθετες πληροϕορ ες ασϕ λειας ΚΙΝ ΥΝΟΣ Το ηλεκτρικ ρε µα στα καλ δια ρε µατος τηλεϕ νου και επικοινων ας ε ναι επικ νδυνο Για να αποϕ γετε τον κ νδυνο ηλεκτροπληξ ας ταν εγκαθιστ τε µετακινε τε ανο γετε τα καλ µµατα του προϊ ντος των προσαρτηµ νων συσκευ ν συνδ ετε και αποσυνδ ετε τα καλ δ...

Page 14: ...xii ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 15: ...του ΚΙΝ ΥΝΟΣ Αν το πακ το επαναϕορτ σιµων µπαταρι ν δεν αντικατασταθε µε το σωστ τρ πο υπ ρχει κ νδυνος κρηξης Το πακ το µπαταρι ν περι χει µικρ ποσ τητα επιβλαβ ν ουσι ν Για να αποϕ γετε τυχ ν τραυµατισµ v Αντικαταστ στε τη µπαταρ α µ νο µε µπαταρ α του προτειν µενου απ την IBM τ που v Κρατ στε το πακ το µπαταρι ν µακρι απ ϕωτι v Μην το εκθ σετε σε νερ βροχ v Μην επιχειρ σετε να το αποσυναρµολογ ...

Page 16: ...τα καλ µµατα του συστ µατος προσαρτηµ νων συσκευ ν Το ηλεκτρικ ρε µα στα καλ δια ρε µατος τηλεϕ νου και επικοινων ας ε ναι επικ νδυνο ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ ταν χετε προσθ σει αναβαθµ σει µια κ ρτα CDC Mini PCI µια κ ρτα µν µης µη χρησιµοποι σετε τον υπολογιστ πριν κλε σετε το κ λυµµα Ποτ µη χρησιµοποιε τε τον υπολογιστ ταν το κ λυµµα ε ναι ανοιχτ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Η λ µπα ϕθορισµο που περι χεται στην οθ νη υγρ ν κρυστ λλ...

Page 17: ...αρρο ς για να την αναϕ ρετε v Χρησιµοποιε τε µ νο καλ διο τηλεϕ νου Αρ 26 AWG µεγαλ τερο παχ τερο λωση σχετικ µε τις προδιαγραϕ ς των συσκευ ν laser Η οπτικ µον δα αποθ κευσης π χ µον δα CD ROM CD RW DVD ROM SuperDisk που µπορε να ε ναι εγκατεστηµ νη στον υπολογιστ IBM ThinkPad ε ναι προϊ ν laser Η παρακ τω ετικ τα σ µανσης προϊ ντος laser Κατηγορ ας 1 βρ σκεται στην επιϕ νεια της µον δας CLASS 1 ...

Page 18: ...πο ηση ΠΡΟΕΙ ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Ο χειρισµ ς του καλωδ ου αυτο του προϊ ντος των καλωδ ων των προαιρετικ ν τµηµ των που πωλο νται µε αυτ το προϊ ν θα σας εκθ σει σε µ λυβδο χηµικ ουσ α που η Πολιτε α της Καλιϕ ρνιας θεωρε τι προκαλε καρκ νο και γενετ σια ελαττ µατα λλες αναπαραγωγικ ς βλ βες Πλ νετε τα χ ρια σας µετ το χειρισµ των καλωδ ων Μην ανο ξετε την οπτικ µον δα αποθ κευσης εν υπ ρχουν στο εσωτερικ της...

Page 19: ...ΝΟΣ Οδηγ α ασϕ λειας για χρ στες στην Αυστραλ α Μη συνδ ετε το καλ διο τηλεϕ νου ταν χρησιµοποιε τε τον υπολογιστ σε κατ σταση tablet Φυλ ξτε αυτ ς τις οδηγ ες Σηµαντικ ς οδηγ ες σχετικ µε την ασϕ λεια xvii ...

Page 20: ...xviii ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 21: ...d programs for these alternative methods are on your hard disk which eliminates having to locate misplaced CDs and problems associated with using an incorrect CD version The complete backup of all the files and programs that IBM preinstalled on your computer resides in a hidden section or partition of the hard disk Although hidden the backups in the partition consume hard disk space Therefore when...

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Page 23: ... not start correctly press the Access IBM button during the startup sequence of your computer and start the IBM Rescue and Recovery Use this area to run diagnostics restore your backups assuming you have made backups using IBM Rescue and Recovery restore to factory contents i e what was there when you received your computer start a utility that enables you to change your startup sequence and get e...

Page 24: ...deo clips that show you how to perform certain tasks such as replacing your battery inserting a PC Card or upgrading your memory Use the controls shown to play pause and rewind the video clip xxii ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 25: ...Chapter 1 Overview of your new ThinkPad computer Your ThinkPad at a glance 2 Features 4 Specifications 5 Caring for your ThinkPad computer 6 Copyright IBM Corp 2005 1 ...

Page 26: ...cators Modem connector Ethernet connector USB connector TrackPoint Access IBM button Security keyhole Infrared port SD Card slot Stereo headphone jack Microphone jack PC Card slot Fingerprint reader Your ThinkPad at a glance 2 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 27: ...Rear view Powered USB 2 0 connector Monitor connector Power jack Tablet Digitizer Pen Your ThinkPad at a glance Chapter 1 Overview of your new ThinkPad computer 3 ...

Page 28: ... on some models v Forward and Backward keys v TrackPoint v Fn key function v Access IBM button v Volume control buttons External interface v External monitor connector v PC Card slot Type I or Type II PC Card v Secure Digital card slot v Stereo headphone jack v Microphone jack v Universal Serial Bus USB connector v Powered USB connector Universal Serial Bus USB connector with power connector v Inf...

Page 29: ...aximum operating temperature 31 3 C 88 F Note When you charge the battery pack its temperature must be at least 10 C 50 F v Relative humidity Operating with no diskette in the drive 8 to 90 Operating with a diskette in the drive 8 to 80 Heat output v 56 W 191 Btu hr maximum Power source ac adapter v Sine wave input at 50 to 60 Hz v Input rating of the ac adapter 100 240 V ac 50 to 60 Hz Battery pa...

Page 30: ...from plastic bags v Keep your computer away from magnets activated cellular phones electrical appliances or speakers within 13 cm 5 in v Avoid subjecting your computer to extreme temperatures below 5 C 41 F or above 35 C 95 F Be gentle with your computer v Avoid placing any objects including paper between the display and the keyboard or under the keyboard v Do not drop bump scratch twist hit vibra...

Page 31: ...your system board or hard disk drive Tips on using your computer in tablet mode v If you close the computer display make sure that the display is rotated either at 0 degrees so that if faces the keyboard or at 180 degrees so that the back of the display faces the keyboard v Do not pick up or hold the computer by the display only v Do not hit vibrate or bump the computer display v To allow free ven...

Page 32: ...IBM refer to the Web page www ibm com pc register This can help authorities return your computer to you if it is lost or stolen Registering your computer also enables IBM to notify you about possible technical information and upgrades v Only an authorized IBM ThinkPad repair technician should disassemble and repair your computer v Do not modify or tape the latches to keep the display open or close...

Page 33: ...dust free cloth 2 Wipe each keytop surface with the cloth Wipe the keys one by one if you wipe several keys at a time the cloth may hook onto an adjacent key and possibly damage it Make sure that no liquid drips onto or between the keys 3 Allow to dry 4 To remove any crumbs and dust from beneath the keys you can use a camera blower with a brush or cool air from a hair drier Note Avoid spraying cle...

Page 34: ...ted object v Scrapping the surface of the reader with your nail or anything hard v Using or touching the reader with a dirty finger If you notice any of the following conditions gently clean the surface of the reader with a dry soft lint free cloth v The surface of the reader is dirty or stained v The surface of the reader is wet v The reader often fails to enroll or authenticate your fingerprint ...

Page 35: ...Point problems 20 Standby and hibernation problems 21 Computer screen problems 24 Battery problems 25 Hard disk drive problems 26 A startup problem 26 Fingerprint authentication problems 28 Other problems 28 Starting IBM BIOS Setup Utility 29 Recovering pre installed software 30 Upgrading the hard disk drive 31 Replacing the battery 34 Using the Extended Life Battery 35 Copyright IBM Corp 2005 11 ...

Page 36: ...paring to contact IBM for support be sure to print the test log so that you can rapidly provide information to the help technician Troubleshooting If you do not find your problem here refer to your on board help system Access IBM To open Access IBM press the Access IBM button The following section only describes problems that might prevent you from accessing the help system Error messages Notes 1 ...

Page 37: turned off because the battery is low Connect the ac adapter to the computer and charge the battery or replace the battery with a fully charged one 0191 System Security Invalid remote change requested The system configuration change has failed Confirm the operation and try again To clear the error enter the IBM BIOS Setup Utility press F9 to set values to default then press F10 to save changes ...

Page 38: ... memory with PC Doctor 0231 System RAM error The system RAM failed Test your computer s memory with PC Doctor If you added a memory module just before turning the computer on reinstall it Then test the memory with PC Doctor 0232 Extended RAM error The extended RAM failed Test your computer s memory with PC Doctor If you have increased memory just before turning the computer on reinstall it Then te...

Page 39: ...che is disabled Have the computer serviced 02F4 EISA CMOS not writable Have the computer serviced 02F5 DMA test failed Have the computer serviced 02F6 Software NMI failed Have the computer serviced 02F7 Fail safe timer NMI failed Have the computer serviced 1802 Unauthorized network card is plugged in Power off and remove the miniPCI network card The Mini PCI network card is not supported on this c...

Page 40: ...d is set Type the password and press Enter to use the computer If the power on password is not accepted a supervisor password might have been set Type the supervisor password and press Enter If you still see the same error message have the computer serviced The hard disk password prompt A hard disk password is set Type the password and press Enter to use the computer If you still see the same erro...

Page 41: ... screen and the machine does not beep while starting up Note If you are not sure whether you heard any beeps turn off the computer then turn it on again and listen again If you are using an external monitor refer to Computer screen problems on page 24 Solution If a power on password is set press any key to display the power on password prompt and then type the correct password and press Enter If t...

Page 42: the power switch to resume from standby or hibernation Problem The DOS full screen looks smaller Solution If you use a DOS application that supports only 640 480 resolution VGA mode the screen image might look slightly distorted or appear smaller than the display size This is to maintain compatibility with other DOS applications To expand the screen image to the same size as the actual screen s...

Page 43: ...uter is still not reset remove the ac adapter and the battery Keyboard problems Problem All or some of the keys on the keyboard do not work Solution If an external PS 2 keyboard is connected the numeric keypad on your computer does not work Use the numeric keypad on the external keyboard If an external numeric keypad or a mouse is connected 1 Turn off the computer 2 Remove the external numeric key...

Page 44: ...omputer is turned on or after it resumes normal operation Solution The pointer might drift when you are not using the TrackPoint during normal operation This is a normal characteristic of the TrackPoint and is not a defect The pointer drifts for several seconds under the following conditions v When the computer is turned on v When the computer resumes normal operation v When the TrackPoint is pres...

Page 45: ... Standby and hibernation problems Problem The computer enters standby mode unexpectedly Solution If the processor overheats the computer automatically enters standby mode to allow the computer to cool and to protect the processor and other internal components Also check the settings for standby mode using Power Manager Problem The computer enters standby mode immediately after Power on self test P...

Page 46: because the battery is depleted Check the standby indicator v If the standby indicator is on your computer is in standby mode Connect the ac adapter to the computer then press Fn v If the standby indicator is off your computer is in hibernation mode or power off state Connect the ac adapter to the computer then press power button to resume operation If the system still does not return from st...

Page 47: ...u is displayed 5 Select Timer Wake with Battery Operation by pressing Enter 6 With the F5 or F6 key select Enabled then press Enter 7 Press F10 and Enter to save this setting and exit this utility For information about the BIOS Setup Utility see IBM BIOS Setup Utility in Access IBM your on board help system Problem The Fn F12 key combination does not cause the computer to enter hibernation mode So...

Page 48: ...n press Fn to resume from the standby mode v If you still have the problem persists do the Solution in the problem below Problem The screen is unreadable or distorted Solution Make sure that v The display device driver is installed correctly v The screen resolution and color quality are correctly set v The monitor type is correct To check these settings do as follows 1 Right click on the desktop c...

Page 49: ... be fully charged by the power off method in the standard charge time for your computer Solution The battery might be over discharged Do the following 1 Turn off the computer 2 Make sure that the over discharged battery is in the computer 3 Connect the ac adapter to the computer and let it charge If the battery cannot be fully charged in 24 hours use a new battery If the optional Quick Charger is ...

Page 50: ... your computer This is a normal characteristic of a hard disk drive and is not a defect Problem The hard disk drive does not work Solution In the startup menu in BIOS Setup Utility make sure that the hard disk drive is in the Boot priority order If it is in the device list of Excluded from boot order the hard disk drive is disabled Move it into the Boot priority order A startup problem Problem The...

Page 51: ... utility Events Log enables you to view a log that contains information about events or tasks associated with Rescue and Recovery operations System Information enables you to see key hardware and software information about your computer This information might be valuable when trying to diagnose problems Warranty Status enables you to see when your warranty expires the terms of service for your com...

Page 52: ...ter might lock when it enters standby mode during a communication operation Disable the standby timer when you are working on the network To turn off the computer press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds or more Problem The computer does not start from a device you want such as a diskette drive Solution Refer to the Startup menu of the IBM BIOS Setup Utility Make sure that the startup sequenc...

Page 53: ... Config Set the configuration of your computer v Date Time Set the date and time v Security Set security features v Startup Set the startup device v Restart Restart the system Note You can set many of these parameters more easily by using the ThinkPad Configuration Program To start IBM BIOS Setup Utility do as follows 1 To protect yourself against accidental loss of data back up your data and comp...

Page 54: ...uter then press Enter Your computer restarts Recovering pre installed software Your computer hard disk has a hidden protected area for backups Contained within this area is a complete backup of the hard disk as it was shipped from the factory and a program called the IBM Rescue and Recovery If you performed a backup operation using the Rescue and Recovery program you also have one or more backups ...

Page 55: ...errupt normal startup press the blue Access IBM button is displayed at the lower left of the screen press the Access IBM button The IBM Rescue and Recovery workspace opens 4 Click Restore your system 5 Click Restore my hard drive to the original factory state and then click Next 6 Follow the instructions on the screen 7 When the recovery process finishes press Enter key Your computer will restart ...

Page 56: ...rive make a backup copy of all the information on the hard disk and then turn the computer off Never remove the drive while the system is operating in standby mode or in hibernation mode To replace the hard disk drive do the following 1 Turn off the computer then disconnect the ac adapter and all cables from the computer 2 Close the computer display and turn the computer over 3 Remove the battery ...

Page 57: ...ive 9 Insert the hard disk drive and its cover into the hard disk drive bay then firmly install them 10 Close the computer display and turn the computer over so that its bottom side is up 11 Reinstall the screw 12 Store the pen back in its slot 13 Reinstall the battery 14 Turn the computer over again Connect the ac adapter and the cables to the computer Upgrading the hard disk drive Chapter 2 Solv...

Page 58: ...or Secure Digital Card the computer might not be able to enter hibernation mode If this happens turn off the computer 2 Close the computer display and turn the computer over 3 Slide the battery lock to the unlock position 4 Slide and hold the battery latch 1 then remove the battery 2 Replacing the battery 34 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 59: ...0 Series Extended Life Battery to the docking connector of your computer To attach an Extended Life Battery to the computer do the following 1 Check the state of the main battery If it is not attached or if it is attached and is almost discharged turn off your computer or enter hibernation mode If the main battery is attached and has enough power enter standby mode 2 Disconnect the ac adapter and ...

Page 60: the guides of the Extended Life Battery with the holes of the computer 6 Gently push the battery into place until you hear a click The battery is attached to the docking connector of the computer Using the Extended Life Battery 36 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 61: ...f your computer or enter hibernation mode If the main battery is attached and has enough power enter standby mode Note If the main battery is attached but is almost discharged when you remove the Extended Life Battery from the computer in standby mode your computer may shut down 2 Disconnect the ac adapter and all cables from the computer 3 Close the computer display and turn the computer over 4 S...

Page 62: ...5 Push the eject latch of the battery 1 until the battery lifts up then remove it 2 Using the Extended Life Battery 38 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 63: ...Chapter 3 Getting help and service from IBM Getting help and service 40 Getting help on the Web 40 Calling IBM 40 Getting help around the world 41 Copyright IBM Corp 2005 39 ...

Page 64: ...l Computing home page is www ibm com pc IBM provides an extensive Web site dedicated to mobile computing and to ThinkPad computers at www ibm com pc support Research this Web site to learn how to solve problems find new ways to use your computer and learn about options that can make working with your ThinkPad computer even easier Calling IBM If you have tried to correct the problem yourself and st...

Page 65: ...r proof of purchase v Description of the problem v Exact wording of any error messages v Hardware and software configuration information for your system For a list of Service and Support phone numbers see Worldwide telephone list on page 67 Phone numbers are subject to change without notice For the most current phone numbers go to www ibm com pc support and click Support phone list If the number f...

Page 66: ...ce is available go to www ibm com pc support and click Warranty Eligible IBM computers are identified by their four digit machine types For more information about International Warranty Service see Service Announcement 601 034 at www ibm com Getting help and service 42 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 67: ...less Fidelity WiFi certification as defined by the WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance Bluetooth Daughter Card is designed to be interoperable with any Bluetooth product that is compliant to Bluetooth Specification 1 1 and 1 2 as defined by the Bluetooth SIG Following profiles are supported by Bluetooth Daughter Card v Generic Access v Service Discovery v Serial Port v Dialup Networking ...

Page 68: ... of interference to other devices or services is perceived or identified as harmful If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization e g airport or hospital you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter and Bluetooth Daughter Card prior to turning on your ThinkPad computer Authorized Operation Within the Un...

Page 69: ...erty of the installed wireless card by referring to the extended channel mode enablement instruction In countries other than the United States and Canada extra IEEE 802 11b channels may be supported If you have a problem to connect an Access Point please contact your system administrator or check your Access Point to know which channel is used And if the 802 11b channel is 12 or greater you will n...

Page 70: ...46 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 71: ...als and workmanship and 2 conforms to IBM s Official Published Specifications Specifications which are available on request The warranty period for the Machine starts on the original Date of Installation and is specified in Part 3 Warranty Information The date on your invoice or sales receipt is the Date of Installation unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise Many features conversions or...

Page 72: ... service If you do not register the Machine with IBM you may be required to present proof of purchase as evidence of your entitlement to warranty service What IBM Will Do to Correct Problems When you contact IBM for service you must follow the problem determination and resolution procedures that IBM specifies An initial diagnosis of your problem can be made either by a technician over the telephon...

Page 73: options alterations and attachments not under warranty service You also agree to 1 ensure that the Machine is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its exchange 2 obtain authorization from the owner to have IBM or your reseller service a Machine that you do not own and 3 where applicable before service is provided a follow the service request procedures that IBM or your ...

Page 74: ...ecurring 12 months charges apply for the Machine that is subject of the claim For purposes of this item the term Machine includes Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code LIC This limit also applies to IBM s suppliers and your reseller It is the maximum for which IBM its suppliers and your reseller are collectively responsible UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS IBM ITS SUPPLIERS OR RESELLERS LIABLE FOR ANY ...

Page 75: added after the first sentence Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled exclusively by the courts of the city of La Paz BRAZIL Jurisdiction The following is added after the first sentence Any litigation arising from this Agreement will be settled exclusively by the court of Rio de Janeiro RJ CHILE Jurisdiction The following is added after the first sentence...

Page 76: ...nduct dolo or gross negligence culpa inexcusable URUGUAY Jurisdiction The following is added after the first sentence Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled exclusively by the City of Montevideo Court s Jurisdiction VENEZUELA Jurisdiction The following is added after the first sentence Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be se...

Page 77: ...h apply Governing Law The following replaces laws of the country in which you acquired the Machine in the first sentence laws of the State or Territory CAMBODIA AND LAOS Governing Law The following replaces laws of the country in which you acquired the Machine in the first sentence laws of the State of New York United States of America CAMBODIA INDONESIA AND LAOS Arbitration The following is added...

Page 78: ...ual damage arising in any situation involving nonperformance by IBM pursuant to or in any way related to the subject of this Statement of Limited Warranty the charge paid by you for the individual Machine that is the subject of the claim For purposes of this item the term Machine includes Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code LIC Arbitration The following is added under this heading Disputes ari...

Page 79: ...ghts you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which cannot be excluded or limited The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply in respect of any goods which IBM provides if you require the goods for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act Limitation of Liability The following is added to this Section Where Machines are not acquired for the purposes of a...

Page 80: ... and properly appointed All proceedings shall be conducted including all documents presented in such proceedings in the English language The English language version of this Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version SINGAPORE Limitation of Liability The words SPECIAL and ECONOMIC in item 3 in the fifth paragraph are deleted EUROPE MIDDLE EAST AFRICA EMEA THE FOLLOWING ...

Page 81: ...ters of an IBM approved service provider You are responsible for transportation costs for Machines located outside 50 kilometers of an IBM approved service provider Governing Law The phrase the laws of the country in which you acquired the Machine is replaced by 1 the laws of Austria in Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Georgia Hungary Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan FYR...

Page 82: ...Warranty or related to its violation or execution including summary proceedings will be settled exclusively by the Commercial Court of Paris 5 in Russia all disputes arising out of or in relation to the interpretation the violation the termination the nullity of the execution of this Statement of Limited Warranty shall be settled by Arbitration Court of Moscow 6 in South Africa Namibia Lesotho and...

Page 83: ...agree on the chairman then the Central Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki will appoint the chairman EUROPEAN UNION EU THE FOLLOWING TERMS APPLY TO ALL EU COUNTRIES The warranty for Machines acquired in EU countries is valid and applicable in all EU countries provided the Machines have been announced and made available in such countries How to Obtain Warranty Service The following is added to this sec...

Page 84: ...rms of this section in its entirety Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law 1 IBM s liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a consequence of the fulfillment of its obligations under or in connection with this Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of only those damages and losses proved and actually arising as an immediate and direct consequence of the no...

Page 85: ...transportation charges for the delivery of the failing Machine to IBM Limitation of Liability The following paragraph is added to this section The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warranty will not apply to damages caused by IBM with fraud or gross negligence and for express warranty The following sentence is added to the end of item 2 IBM s liability under this ite...

Page 86: ...M with fraud or gross negligence and for express warranty The following sentence is added to the end of item 2 IBM s liability under this item is limited to the violation of essential contractual terms in cases of ordinary negligence HUNGARY Limitation of Liability The following is added at the end of this section The limitation and exclusion specified herein shall not apply to liability for a bre...

Page 87: damages for any one Default will not in any event exceed the greater of 1 EUR 125 000 or 2 125 of the amount you paid for the Machine directly relating to the Default Items for Which IBM is Not Liable Save with respect to any liability referred to in item 1 above under no circumstances is IBM its suppliers or resellers liable for any of the following even if IBM or they were informed of the pos...

Page 88: ... of IBM 3 IBM s entire liability for actual damages for any one Default will not in any event except as provided in items 1 and 2 above exceed the greater of 1 Pounds Sterling 75 000 or 2 125 of the total purchase price payable or the charges for the Machine directly relating to the Default These limits also apply to IBM s suppliers and resellers They state the maximum for which IBM and such suppl...

Page 89: ...5 1 1868 US Parts and Labor 1 years Battery pack 1 year 6 1 Others Parts and Labor 1 years Battery pack 1 year 7 1 1869 US Parts and Labor 3 years Battery pack 1 year 6 1 Types of Warranty Service If required IBM provides repair or exchange service depending on the type of warranty service specified for your Machine in the above table and as described below Warranty service may be provided by your...

Page 90: ...ending the Machine to an IBM service center 3 Courier or Depot Service You will disconnect the failing Machine for collection arranged by IBM IBM will provide you with a shipping container for you to return your Machine to a designated service center A courier will pick up your Machine and deliver it to the designated service center Following its repair or exchange IBM will arrange the return deli...

Page 91: ... Canada or the United States call 1 800 IBM SERV 426 7378 In other countries see the telephone numbers below Worldwide telephone list Phone numbers are subject to change without notice For the warranty service contact telephone number in a country not yet reflected in the list below contact IBM in that country or visit http www ibm com pc support and click Support Phone List for a current telephon...

Page 92: ...dor 250 5696 Estonia 386 61 1796 699 Finland 358 9 459 6960 France 33 238 557 450 Germany 49 7032 15 49201 Greece 30 210 680 1700 Guatemala 335 8490 Honduras Tegucigalpa San Pedro Sula 232 4222 San Pedro Sula 552 2234 Hungary 36 1 382 5720 India 1600 44 6666 Indonesia 800 140 3555 Ireland 353 0 1 815 9200 Italy 39 02 7031 6101 Japan ThinkPad 0120 887 874 Overseas calls 81 46 266 4724 Korea 82 2 32...

Page 93: ...21 892 7147 Russian Federation 7 095 940 2000 Singapore 1800 3172 888 Slovakia 421 2 4954 1217 Slovenia 386 1 5830 050 Spain 34 91 714 7983 Sri Lanka 94 11 2448 442 94 11 2421 066 94 11 2493 500 Sweden 46 8 477 4420 Switzerland 41 58 333 0971 Taiwan 886 2 8723 9799 Thailand 1 800 299 229 Turkey 00800 211 4032 90 212 317 1760 United Kingdom 44 1475 555 055 United States 1 800 IBM SERV 1 800 426 737...

Page 94: ...talled by you or installed after purchase of the product Services not chargeable to the guarantee shall be charged to the final user prior an authorization In the event that warranty repair is required please call the Support Center at 001 866 434 2080 where you will be directed to the nearest Authorized Service Center Should no Authorized Service Center exist in your city location or within 50 mi...

Page 95: ...Tier 1 CRUs Battery X X X X AC adapter and power cord X Trackpoint cap X X Hard disk drive X X X X Phone line cord X Memory X X X X Tablet Digitizer Pen X X Snap on bracket X X X Tier 2 CRUs Communication Daughter Card X X X Mini PCI Card X X X Keyboard X X X You can find instructions for replacing CRUs in Access IBM your on board help To start Access IBM press the blue Access IBM button on your T...

Page 96: ...port Web site http www ibm com pc support site wss document do lndocid part video v The IBM Support Center For the telephone number of the Support Center for your country or region see Worldwide telephone list on page 67 72 ThinkPad X41 Tablet Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide ...

Page 97: ... can send license inquiries in writing to IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk NY 10504 1785 U S A Processing date data This IBM hardware product and IBM software products that might be packaged with it have been designed when used in accordance with their associated documentation to process date data correctly within and between the 20th and 21st centuries provided ...

Page 98: ...ion reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures v Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna v Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver v Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected v Consult an I...

Page 99: ...duct including the fitting of non IBM option cards This product satisfies the Class B limits of EN 55022 Product notice requirements The following notice applies to machines equipped with both a DVD and a TV out function Environmental notices for Japan Collecting and recycling a disused computer If you are a company employee and need to dispose of a computer that is the property of the company you...

Page 100: ...thium battery is installed on the system board of your ThinkPad computer to back up the main battery If you want to replace it with a new one contact your place of purchase or ask for a repair service provided by IBM If you have replaced it by yourself and want to dispose of the disused lithium battery insulate it with vinyl tape contact your place of purchase and follow the instructions If you us...

Page 101: ...on support visit http www lotus com passport International Program License Agreement The software licensed to you under this offer does not include software upgrades or technical support and is subject to the terms and conditions of the IBM International Program License Agreement IPLA that accompanies the software Your use of the Lotus Notes program described in this offer constitutes acceptance o...

Page 102: ...otes and SmartSuite Program P O Box 3118 Cumbernauld Scotland G68 9JX To inquire about an order contact ibm_smartsuite modusmedia com In Asia Pacific Countries Via the Internet http smartsuite modusmedia com Mail address IBM Lotus Notes and SmartSuite Program Modus Media International eFulfillment Solution Center 750 Chai Chee Road 03 10 14 Technopark at Chai Chee Singapore 469000 Fax 65 6448 5830...

Page 103: ...ntel Pentium and Intel SpeedStep are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and or other countries For a complete list of Intel trademarks see www intel com sites corporate tradmarx htm Other company product or service names may be the trademarks or service marks of others Appendix D Notices 79 ...

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Page 105: ... keyboard problems 19 L locations 2 P password problems 18 setting 7 PC Doctor for Windows 12 power switch problems 19 problem A startup 26 problems battery 25 computer screen 24 diagnosing 12 fingerprint reader 28 hard disk 26 hibernation 21 keyboard 19 password 18 power management 21 power switch 19 standby 21 troubleshooting 12 Product Recovery program 30 R rear view 2 recovering preinstalled s...

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Page 108: ... Part Number 39T2256 Printed in China 1P P N 39T2256 ...
