Functions of Your Computer
The Exit button. Click on this button to save the changes you
made and to exit the ThinkPad Configuration window.
The View Angle buttons. Click on the front view or the rear
view (with or without the port replicator) buttons to display the
hardware feature locations.
The Device buttons. Click on the button of your choice from
the window; then set the options for that device from the
window that appears. If the device is enabled, the red indicator
next to the button is lit. Otherwise, it stays off.
The Default button. Click on this button to set the default
values for each option and to cancel the changes you just
The Status bar. The device name and its status appears in the
status bar when you place the cursor on a device button.
Only the top portion of the window is displayed when you click on the
minimize button in the top-right corner.
IBM ThinkPad 560Z User's Reference
Title: C79FPMST CreationDate: 06/22/98 12:26:52