IBM System x iDataPlex dx360 M4
Rack cabinets
The dx360 M4 and the iDataPlex dx360 M4 2U chassis are designed to be installed in the IBM System x
iDataPlex Rack, machine type 7825. This 100U rack (50U in each half) was specifically designed with a
reduced depth to meet high-density data center requirements. It allows infrastructure components, such
as switches and power distribution units, to be installed into the rack in vertical pockets without sacrificing
valuable server space. The following figure shows the iDataPlex Rack.
Figure 6. IBM System x iDataPlex Rack, machine type 7825
The following figure compares the footprint of the iDataPlex rack with enterprise racks.
Figure 7. Comparing the footprint of the iDataPlex rack with enterprise racks
The iDataPlex dx360 M4 2U chassis can be installed in the iDataPlex rack or a standard enterprise rack.