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IBM System Networking RackSwitch G8124E



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Summary of Contents for G8124E

Page 1: ...d virtual pipes between the adapter and the switch for optimal performance plus higher availability and better security This functionality provides the ability to dynamically allocate bandwidth per vN...

Page 2: ...EB29 IBM SFP SX Transceiver 81Y1622 EB2A IBM SFP LX Transceiver 90Y9424 ECB8 0 6 m Blue Cat5e Cable 40K5679 ECB0 1 5 m Blue Cat5e Cable 40K8785 ECB2 3 m Blue Cat5e Cable 40K5581 1111 10 m Blue Cat5e C...

Page 3: ...nvironments For 10 Gb uplinks they have a choice of either SFP transceivers SR or LR for longer distances or more cost effective and lower power consuming options such as SFP direct attached cables DA...

Page 4: ...AC plug 10A 250 V OPT 39Y7920 Power Cord Europe Israel AC plug 10A 250 V OPT 39Y7922 Power Cord Europe South Africa AC plug 10A 250 V OPT 39Y7923 Power Cord UK AC plug 13A 250 V OPT 39Y7924 Power Cord...

Page 5: ...e 10G Low Latency as low as 570 nanoseconds switch provides the best combination of extremely low latency non blocking line rate switching and ease of management Lower power and better cooling The G81...

Page 6: ...ts can deploy a single server interface for multiple data types which can simplify both deployment and management of server network connectivity while maintaining the high availability and robustness...

Page 7: ...haring internal 48 V DC power supplies input voltage ranging from 42 V dc to 60 V dc per module The nominal power for the G8124E ranges from 115 W to 168 W depending on the speed of the port 1G 10G ty...

Page 8: Spanning Tree 802 1w PVRST Fast Uplink Convergence BPDU guard Quality of service QoS 802 1p priority queues DSCP remarking Metering Routing protocols RIP v1 v2 OSPF BGP High availability Uplink fai...

Page 9: ...complexity and achieve better performance and more flexibility For example Reduce costs acquisition and operating by using fewer adapters cables and upstream switch ports Reduce complexity Fewer items...

Page 10: ...ation 10 GbE attached rack servers Aggregation and servers are as follows Concentration of rack optimized servers for example IBM 1U or 2U servers with a 10G adapter installed IBM BladeCenter using an...

Page 11: ...IBM System Networking RackSwitch G8124E 11 Figure 3 shows a G8124E top of rack switch Figure 3 G8124E top of rack switch...

Page 12: ...sed Layer 2 3 protocols industry standard CLI Interoperates with existing network No learning curve Rack optimized server aggregation logical design The design goal is a G8124E 10GbE switch at Distrib...

Page 13: ...ollows Less than 600 ns port to port latency Link aggregation of trunk connections IEEE 802 3ad No STP uplink failure detection UFD to enable redundant paths Figure 5 10 GbE departmental cluster or se...

Page 14: ...bE Related publications For more information visit http www 947 ibm com support entry portal Documentation to see the following IBM RackSwitch G8124E product resources IBM RackSwitch G8052 Installatio...

Page 15: ...of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring an...

Page 16: ...on their first occurrence in this information with the appropriate symbol or indicating US registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published Such trademarks...
