FRONT_1.1.2 Caution Notice
A caution notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially hazardous to people because of some existing condition.
The following is a sample caution notice:
¦ ¦ CAUTION: ¦
¦ ¦ Do not attempt to use the handle on the module to lift ¦
¦ PICTURE 2 ¦ the entire device (module and enclosure) as a unit. ¦
¦ ¦ First remove the module; then, use two hands to lift the ¦
¦ ¦ enclosure.
¦ ¦ ¦
7208 Tape Drive Setup and Operator Guide
Caution Notice
¦ Copyright IBM Corp. 1998
FRONT_1.1.2 - 1