- 12 -
14) Set Brightness and Contrast to Max position.
15) Set SUB-CONTRAST 200(C8) (decimal) position.
16) Set B-DRIVE to 150(96) at DRIVE of the alignment
17-1) Adjust R-DRIVE and G-DRIVE command to white
balance x=0.283
0.003 and y=0.298
0.003 on the
White Balance Meter with PC arrow keys.
17-2) Display color 15,0 window pattern (70x70mm) at mode 10.
18) Adjust SUB-CONTRAST command to 50
2FL .
19) After push the “ENTER” key.
20) Display color 15,0 full white patten at Mode 10.
ABL command.
22) Adjust ABL to 32
1FL of the luminance.
23) After push the “ENTER” key, and “COMMAND
Y(Yes)” command.
24) Exit from the program.
5. Input EDID Data.
1) Display color 15,0 cross hatch pattern at Mode 10.
Write EDID command and confirm
“EDID Write OK!!” message of monitor.
3) Exit from the alignment program.
4) Power switch OFF/ON for EDID data save.
6. Adjustment for Focus.
1) Set the Brightness and Contrast to max position.
2) Display H character in full screen at Mode 10.
3) Adjust two Focus control on the FBT that focus
should be the best condition.