© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019, 2020, 2021. Customer Install Guide, 2U Chassis
Chassis #1 - Install this 2U server (marked #1) one rack unit (1U) above the
bottom of the rack.
Chassis #2 - Install this 2U server (marked #2) 1U above Chassis #1.
25G Switch - The 25G switch (marked # 3) should be installed above the top-
most server. You may install the 25G switch in any convenient location.
Figure 2 for recommended switch location, U25)
1G Switch - The 1G switch (marked # 4) should be installed above the 25G
switch. You may install the 1G switch in any convenient location.
(see Figure 2
for recommended switch location, U28)
– Install horizontally at U33/U34 for easy cable routing and service access.
Additional PDUs should be installed above the PDUs at locations U35/U36.
Other components should be installed per the specific install guide included with
those components.
Installation Notes:
Server nodes are preconfigured for their specific slots (1, 2, 3 & 4) in the
chassis and they must not be removed from the chassis during the chassis
installation process.
Figure 3: Node locations in chassis and chassis marking
If you intend to expand your system, you may want to leave enough space
to install additional expansion chassis and switches at a later date. Expansion
chassis and switches are ordered separately. Expansion chassis and switches
can be racked in any order, but the preferred locations are shown in Figure 3.
Expansion chassis
are marked “EXPANSION”.
The base system 25G switch is marked #3 and the base system 1G switch is
marked #4. Expansion switches are marked “EXPANSION”.