2. Reply to a message: Simply start typing your message in the text box at
the bottom of the screen to reply to a message. You can always press
MENU and select to add a subject or an attachment to convert it to a
multimedia message. Select „Send‟ when ready.
3. Links in messages: If a message contains a link to a Web page, it will be
selectable. To view the Web page in the Browser, simply select it.
4. Delete messages: Your messages will be saved until you explicitly delete
Delete one message in a thread - With the message thread open in Read
view, touch & hold the individual message you want to delete to open the
context menu. Delete all messages in a thread - With the message thread
open in Read view, press MENU >Delete. You can also delete an entire
thread from the message list by pressing & holding the thread to open the
context menu, then select „Delete‟.
Delete all message threads - From the message list, press MENU and
select delete all threads.