privileges on an event, touch and hold the event and select „Edit event‟ to
open the event for editing. Navigate months.
- Slide your fingertip up/down, through the days and past the beginning/end
of the month to move to the previous/next month.
Create new event- Touch & hold a day to open the context menu. Select
„New event‟. You can also press MENU and select „New event‟.
2. Event
Events in the current month are shown vertically in a list, one event after the
other. Days with no events are not displayed.
Repeating events - Marked with icon following the time or date.
View event details - Select the event to view its details.
Edit an event - First, select the event to view its details. Assuming you have
write privileges on an event, touch and hold the eve
nt and select „Edit event‟
to open the event for editing.
Navigate within the current month - Swipe your fingertip up/down.