Issue 1.4
The cutoff frequency of the digital antialiasing filter is automatically adjusted to 1/3 of the
sampling rate, but only down to a minimum sampling rate of 0.5 kHz (is equal to a sam-
pling time of 2 ms).
Please note, that despite the digital antialiasing filter aliasing effects may occur with sam-
pling times > 2 ms. Operation modes of analog inputs
The different input ranges and input impedances (ibaPADU-D-8AI-U only) are configured
for each channel in the I/O Manager of ibaPDA.
Possible input ranges: ±2.5 V, ±10 V, ±24 V or ±60 V
Possible input impedance: 100 k
or 1 M
The combination of ±2.5 V input range a
nd 1 MΩ
input impedance is not supported. All
other combinations are possible.
Possible input ranges: ±20 mA, 0…20 mA or 4…20 mA Debounce filters of digital inputs
For the digital inputs, there are four debounce filters for each. These can be chosen and
configured for each signal independently with the I/O Manager of ibaPDA. You have got
the following filters at your disposal:
„Off“ (without filter)
„Stretch rising edge“
„Stretch falling edge“
„Stretch both edges“
„Delay both edges“
For each filter, a debounce time has to be defined in µs. This debounce time can have a
value between [1µs…65535µs].
The measured input signal is transferred without filtering.
„Stretch rising edge“
With the first rising edge, the input signal (red) switches to logical 1 and keeps this value
for the defined debounce time. Thereafter, the channel is transparent again and waits for
the next rising edge.