Issue 1.2
Distribution mode
In distribution mode 1 incoming fiber optic data stream, transmitted at 32 Mbit/s and
containing 512 analog and 512 digital signals, is split into 8 fiber optic output streams,
containing 64 analog and 64 digital signals each and transmitted at 3.3 Mbit/s.
An additional output provides for a mirrored input data stream. If necessary this output
can be used to feed more devices interconnected in a daisy chain. In distribution mode
the device works in the opposite way like an ibaBM-COL-8i-o.
Supply of up to 8 ibaNet750 nodes (or similar devices) by 1 fiber optic output.
Reduction of fiber optic cabling over long distances
Collection of 8 input lines by ibaBM-COL-8i-o, transmission over one fiber optic
conductor and redistribution on 8 output links by ibaBM-DIS-i-8o.
Figure 2: Principle of distribution mode
Copy and cut mode
In copy and cut mode 1 incoming fiber optic data stream with 32 Mbit/s is copied to 8
outputs and reduced to 3.3 Mbit/s. Each fiber optic stream with 32 Mbit/s, respectively
32Mbit ibaNet protocol, can be used as incoming signal. Depending on the cycle time,
the telegrams are cut and only the first bytes are transmitted.
In copy and cut mode, it is important, that data to be transmitted are written at the begin-
nig of the 32Mbit telegram.
The data type at the output side corresponds to the data type of the 32Mbit input. The
data type at the 3.3 Mbit/s output side can be either INT (e. g. for ibaPADU-8) or REAL
(e. g. for ibaLink-SM-64-io).
When the cycle time is
≥ 100 µs , the first 256 bytes of analog data and the first 8 bytes
of digital data are copied to the outputs.
When the cycle time is < 100 µs, the first 128 bytes of analog data and the first 8 bytes
of digital data are copied to the outputs.