Issue 1.1
“Timing” tab
Here you'll find information about access of the card to the SIMADYN D CPUs and the
access of the card to the memory (DMA).
Figure 21:
These settings apply to the cycle times which are only relevant for the SD-TDC Request
system. For SD-TDC-lite cards all channels are assigned to cycle time T1 corresponding
to the ibaPDA time base.
The following fields provide essential information:
Current transfer duration:
Duration of the transfer of one sample. The ratio of the “Current transfer duration”
to the smallest “Actual read cycle time” gives information about the load factor of
the ibaFOB-SDexp card.
Max. transfer duration:
Maximum duration of a data transfer since the last reset of the counters.
Dropped transfers:
Number of dropped samples since the last reset of counters.
Automatic channel initializations:
Diagnostic counter for automatic actions.
Image generation
Diagnostic information of DMA access to the ibaPDA memory.