Process Monitoring Topology Example (Simultaneous sam-
Figure 1 depicts a possible topology for process monitoring of 16 simultaneous sam-
pled signals, e.g. for drive control monitoring with a combination of one ibaFOB-4i- and
one ibaFOB-4o card. Each ibaFOB link can support 1 out of 2 ibaPADU-16-M links. Up
to 32 (analog and digital) channels can be sampled continuously using this topology
(with one ibaFOB-4i-/-4o). For continuous process monitoring, multiplex operation of
the device network is not required. All devices must have the address switch to 0 (M
Mode). A maximum of 128 analog plus 128 binary signals may be sampled like this
(with 4 ibaFOB-4i/-4o). For the required PCI slots iba provides a special PC series
(ibaRackline PCs).
Figure 1:
System Topology for Process Monitoring
It is possible to couple other process signals using other input devices from iba, if the
corresponding interface is available.
14 Issue