i-SENS CareSens S Fit User Manual Download Page 30

Step 5 

Comparing the Result 

Compare the result displayed on the meter to the range printed on the test strip 


The result should fall within the range. 


The range printed on the test strip vial is for the CareSens S Control Solution 

only. It has nothing to do with your blood glucose level.


The CareSens S Control Solution can be purchased separately.  

Please contact Spirit Healthcare on 0800 881 5423.

Comparing the Control Solution Test Results

The test result of each control solution should be within the range printed on the 

label of the test strip vial. Repeat the control solution test if the test result falls 

outside of the range. Out of range results may occur in following situations:


Do This

•  When the control solution bottle was not shaken 


•  When the meter, test strip, or the control solution 

were exposed to high or low temperatures,

•  When the first drop of the control solution was 

not discarded or the tip of the bottle was not 

wiped clean,

•  When the meter is not functioning properly.

Repeat the control 

solution test by 

referring to the 


 on page 17.

•  When the control solution is past the expiration 

date printed on the bottle,

•  When the control solution is past its discard date 

(the date the bottle was opened plus three (3) 


•  When the control solution is contaminated.

Discard the used 

control solution 

and repeat the test 

using a new bottle 

of control solution.

If results continue to fall outside the range printed on the test strip vial, the 

CareSens S Test Strip and CareSens S Fit BT meter may not be working properly. 

Do not use your system and contact Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone Support 

Line at 0800 881 5423.

16  Using the Lancing Device

You will need a lancing device in order to collect a blood sample.

You may use the lancing device that is included in the CareSens S Fit BT Blood 

Glucose Monitoring System or any other medically approved lancing device.


Lancet Holder

Sliding Barrel

Release Button

Load Confirmation 


Ejection System


Adjustable Tip

•  The lancing device is for use by a single user only and should not be shared 

with anyone. 

•  Use a soft cloth or tissue to wipe the lancing device. If necessary, a 

small amount of alcohol on a soft cloth or tissue may be used.


To avoid infection when drawing a sample, do not use a lancet more than 

once, and:

•  Do not use a lancet that has been used by others.

•  Always use a new sterile lancet.

•  Keep the lancing device clean.


Repeated puncturing at the same sample site may cause pain or skin calluses 

(thick hard skin). Choose a different site each time you test.

Preparing the Lancing Device

Step 1 

Wash hands and sample site with soap and warm 

water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Step 2 

Unscrew and remove the lancing device tip.

Step 3 

Firmly insert a new lancet into the lancet 

holder. Hold the lancet firmly. Gently twist 

to pull off protective disk. Save disk to recap 

lancet after use. Replace lancing device tip.






Step 4 

Turn the adjustable tip until it is aligned with the 

load confirmation window and release button 

as shown.








Step 5 

The lancing device has seven puncture depth 

settings, numbered 1 through 7 (1 for a shallow 

puncture, 7 for a deeper puncture).

Choose a depth by rotating the top portion of the 

adjustable tip until the desired number aligns 

with the arrow.


1 = least penetration of lancet into the skin

7 = most penetration of lancet into the skin






Step 6 

To cock the lancing device, hold the body 

of lancing device in one hand and pull the 

sliding barrel with the other hand. The device 

is loaded when you feel a click and the load 

confirmation window turns red.


The skin depth to get blood samples will vary for various people at different 

sample sites. The lancing device’s adjustable tip allows the best depth of skin 

penetration to get an adequate sample size. 

Preparing the Meter and Test Strip
Step 7 

Insert a test strip with the contact bars facing upwards into the meter’s test strip 

port. Push the strip in gently until the meter beeps. Be careful not to bend the 

test strip. The 

 symbol will appear on the screen.

Applying Blood Sample






Step 8 

Obtain a blood sample using the lancing device. 

Place the device against the pad of the finger. 

Press the release button. Remove the device from 

the finger. Wait a few seconds for a blood drop 

to form. A minimum volume of 0.5 microliter is 

needed to fill the confirmation window (actual 

size of 0.5 μL:   ).

Step 9 

After the 

 symbol appears on the screen, apply the blood sample to 

the tip of the test strip till the meter beeps. At this time, the display segments 

will rotate clockwise while the blood is going in. If the confirmation window is 

not filled in time because of abnormal viscosity (thickness and stickiness) or 

insufficient volume, the Er4 message may appear.

It is recommended to place the test strip vertically into the blood sample site as 







Do not apply blood on top surface of the test strip.


Do not allow any foreign substances, such as dirt, blood, or water enter into the 

meter. The meter may be damaged or may malfunction. Follow the warning 

information provided below to prevent possible damage to the meter.

•  Do not apply the blood sample directly to the test strip port. 

•  Do not apply the blood sample to the test strip while holding the meter in a 

way that the tip of the test strip faces upwards. The blood sample may run 

down the surface of the test strip and flow into the test strip port. 

•  Do not store your meter in unsanitary or contaminated sites.


The meter may switch off if the blood sample is not applied within 2 minutes 

of the 

 symbol appearing on the screen. If the meter turns off, remove 

the strip and reinsert it, and start from Step 2.

Step 10 

The test result will appear after the meter counts down from 6 to 1. The result will 

be automatically stored in the meter’s memory. If the test strip is removed after 

the test result is displayed, the meter will automatically switch off after 3 seconds. 

Discard used test strips safely in disposable containers. 

Step 11 

You can attach a flag to a result to indicate particular situations while the strip is 

still in the meter. When the result is displayed right after a test, press the 



button to select a pre-meal flag (   ), a post-meal flag (   ), or a fasting flag (   

). When you remove the test strip while the desired flag is blinking, the test result 

is stored with the flag.

If you do not want to add any flags on the test result, remove the strip after the 

test result is displayed.

No flag

Pre-meal flag

Post-meal flag

Fasting flag

Discarding Used Lancets

Step 1 

Unscrew the lancing device tip.

Step 2 

Stick the lancet into the saved protective disk. 

Push the lancet ejector forward with the 

thumb to dispose of the used lancet in a proper 

biohazard container.


The lancet is for single use only. Never share 

or reuse a lancet. Always dispose of lancets 


17  HI and Lo Messages

HI Message

The meter displays results between 1.1–33.3 mmol/L. ‘HI’ 

appears when the blood glucose level is greater than 

33.3 mmol/L and indicate severe hyperglycemia (much 

higher than normal glucose levels).

If ‘HI’ is displayed again upon retesting, please contact your 

healthcare professional immediately.

Lo Message

‘Lo’ appears when a test result is less than 1.1 mmol/L and 

indicates severe hypoglycemia (very low glucose levels).

If ‘Lo’ is displayed again upon retesting, please contact your 

healthcare professional immediately.


Please contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone Support Line at 0800 881 

5423 or go to 


, if such messages are displayed 

even if you do not have hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia.

18  Target Blood Glucose Ranges

Expected Values :

 Normal blood glucose levels for an adult without diabetes are 

below 5.5 mmol/L before meals and fasting* and are less than 7.8 mmol/L two 

hours after meals.

*Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least eight hours.


American Diabetes Association (Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2021. 

Diabetes Care

), January 2021, vol. 44 (Supplement 1): S15-S33.

19  Transferring Test Results

Test results stored in the CareSens S Fit BT meter can be 

transferred from the meter to a computer using SmartLog 

software and cable. The meter screen displays ‘PC’ when it is 

connected to the computer using the data cable. For more 

information, contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone 

Support Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 



20 Meter Memory

The CareSens S Fit BT meter can save up to 1,000 glucose test results with time 

and date. If the memory is full, the oldest test result will be deleted and the latest 

test result will be stored.

The meter calculates and displays the averages of total test results, Pre-meal (   ) 

test results, Post-meal test (   ), and Fasting test results (   ) from the last 1, 7, 14, 

30, and 90 days.

Viewing Averages Stored in Memory

The number 

of tests 

within the 

current day

Step 1 


Press the 



 button to turn the meter on. 

The current date and time will be displayed at 

the bottom of the screen followed by the 1 day 

average value and the number of the test results 

saved within the current day.




(1, 7, 14, 30, 90 


Step 2 

Viewing Averages

Press the 

 button to view 

the average values of 7, 14, 30 

and 90 days and the number 

of tests performed. (For the 

average values of Pre-meal, 

Post-meal or fasting, each 

representative symbol will

be appeared on the screen with the average values and the number of tests 


Step 3 

Use the 

 button to scroll back through the averages seen previously. Press the 



button to turn off the meter.


The control solution test results saved with the   symbol are not included in 

the averages.

Viewing Test Results Stored in Memory

The number 

of tests 

within the  

current day

Step 1 

Press the 



 button to turn the meter on. 

The current date and time will be displayed on 

the bottom of the screen followed by the 1 day 

average value and the number of the test results 

saved within the current day.




Step 2 

Use the 

 button to scroll 

through the test results, starting 

from the most recent and ending 

with the oldest. Press the 


button to return to the result 

seen previously. After checking 

the stored test  results hold the 



button to turn off the meter.


The control solution test results saved with   symbol will be displayed with   

symbol when you review the stored test results.

21  Setting the Alarm Function

Four types of alarms can be set in the CareSens S Fit BT meter: one post-meal 

alert (PP2 alert) and three time set alarms (alarm 1–3). The PP2 alert goes off 2 

hours after setting the alert. The alarms ring for 15 seconds and can be silenced 

by pressing the 



 button or by inserting a test strip.

Setting the Post-meal Alert (PP2 alert)

Step 1 

Turning the PP2 alert On

Without inserting a test strip, press 

and hold the 

 button for 3 seconds to 

set the post-meal alert. ‘PP2’, bell (   ) 

symbol and ‘On’ will be displayed. The 

screen will then automatically change 

to the memory recall mode. At this time, 

bell (   ) symbol, indicating that the PP2 

alert has been set, will be displayed on 

the screen.


The PP2 alert will automatically turn off if the meter’s time setting is adjusted 

to more than two hours before or just past the currently activated PP2 alert 



Step 2 

Turning the PP2 alert OFF

To turn off the PP2 alert, press and hold 


 button for 3 seconds.  ‘PP2’ , bell 

(   ) symbol and ‘OFF’ will appear on 

the screen. Then the screen will change 

automatically to the memory recall mode 

without bell (   ) symbol displayed.

Setting the Time Alarms (alarm 1–3)

Step 1 

Without inserting a test strip, press 

 and the 



simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter the time alarm mode. 

The ‘alarm 1’ will be displayed while the ‘OFF’ is blinking on 

the screen.

On pressing the 

 button, the ‘alarm 1’ is set and ‘On’ is 

displayed on the screen. Press the 

 button again to cancel 

the ‘alarm 1’. The ‘OFF’ will blink on the screen.

Step 2 

Press the 

 button to set the time of ‘alarm 1’.

A number representing the hour will blink on the screen. 

Press the 

 button to set the hour.

On pressing the 

 button, the number indicating the 

minute will start blinking. Press the 

 button to set the 


Step 3 

Press the 


 button to finish and to go to ‘alarm 2’ setting. 

Repeat steps 2 to 4 to set the remaining alarms time (alarm 


Step 4 

Press and hold and hold the 


 button for 3 seconds to finish and turn the meter 


22  Understanding Error Messages

A used test strip was inserted. 

  Repeat the test with a new test strip.

The blood or control solution sample was applied before the 


  Repeat the test with a new test strip and wait until the 

 appears before applying the blood or control 

solution sample.

The temperature during the test was above or below the 

operating range.

  Move to an area where the temperature is within the 

operating range (5–45 ˚C)  and repeat the test after the 

meter and test strips have reached a temperature within 

the operating range.

The blood sample has abnormally high viscosity or 

insufficient volume.

  Repeat the test with a new test strip.

This error message may appear when the wrong blood 

glucose test strip is used instead of CareSens S Blood 

Glucose Test Strip. 

  Repeat the test with a CareSens S test strip.

There is a problem with the meter.

  Contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone Support 

Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 


There is a problem with Bluetooth communication.

  Contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone Support 

Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 


An electronic error occurred during the test.

  Repeat the test with a new test strip. If the error message 

persists, contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone 

Support Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 



If the error messages persist, contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 Freephone 

Support Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 



23  General Troubleshooting



The display is blank 

even after inserting 

a test strip.

•  Check whether the test strip is inserted with the 

contact bars facing up. Check if the strip has been 

inserted completely into the test strip port.

•  Check if the appropriate test strip was used.

•  Check whether the battery is inserted with the + 

side facing up.

•  Replace the battery.

The test does not 

start even after 

applying the blood 

sample on the strip.

•  Check if the confirmation window is filled 


•  Repeat the test with a new test strip.

The test result does 

not match the way 

you feel.

•  Repeat the test with a new test strip.

•  Check the expiration date of the test strip.

•  Perform control solution test.


If the problem is not resolved, please contact the Spirit Healthcare 24/7 

Freephone Support Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to 



24 Performance Characteristics

The performance of CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose Monitoring System has 

been evaluated in laboratory and in clinical tests.


The accuracy of the CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose Monitoring 

System (Model: GM01NBE) was assessed by comparing blood glucose results 

obtained by patients with those obtained using a YSI Model 2300 Glucose 

Analyzer, a laboratory instrument. 

The following results were obtained by diabetic patients at clinic centers.




0.130 mmol/L

Correlation coefficient (r)


Number of samples


Range tested

1.5–24.8 mmol/L

System accuracy results for glucose concentration < 5.55 mmol/L

±0.28 mmol/L

±0.56 mmol/L

±0.83 mmol/L

118/180 (65.6 %)

172/180 (95.6 %)

180/180 (100 %)

System accuracy results for glucose concentration ≥ 5.55 mmol/L

Within ±5 %

Within ±10 %

Within ±15 %

298/420 (71.0 %)

403/420 (96.0 %)

417/420 (99.3 %)

System accuracy results for glucose concentrations between 1.5 mmol/L and 

24.8 mmol/L

Within ±0.83 mmol/L and Within ±15 %

597/600 (99.5 %)


 The precision studies were performed in a laboratory using 

CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems.

Within Run Precision

Blood average

2.0 mmol/L

SD = 0.1 mmol/L

3.8 mmol/L

SD = 0.1 mmol/L

7.5 mmol/L

CV = 3.0 %

11.8 mmol/L

CV = 2.6 %

16.5 mmol/L

CV = 3.0 %

Between Run Precision

Control solution average

2.3 mmol/L

SD = 0.1 mmol/L   

7.2 mmol/L

CV = 2.3 % 

19.7 mmol/L

CV = 3.7 %

This study shows that there could be variation of up to 3.7 %.

Influence Quantities

Packed cell volume (Hematocrit)

Packed cell volume evaluation was conducted in various hematocrit levels. The 

range of hematocrit levels within the acceptance criteria is 15–65 %.


The effect of various interfering substances was evaluated in whole blood 

samples. The presence of the following substances within the given 

concentrations does not affect blood glucose measurements. Higher 

concentrations of the substances shown below may cause inaccurate blood 

glucose results.





Acetaminophen (paracetamol)

1.32 mmol/L


Ascorbic acid

0.17 mmol/L


Bilirubin (Unconjugated)

0.34 mmol/L



12.93 mmol/L



2.65 mmol/L



0.85 mmol/L



6.16 mmol/L



3.33 mmol/L


Gentisic acid

3.24 mmol/L





Glutathione (Red)

2.99 mmol/L



0.31 mmol/L



8000 U/dL



2.42 mmol/L



1094 mg/dL




0.25 mmol/L 



29.21 mmol/L



0.07 mmol/L


Pralidoxime Iodide (PAM)

0.95 mmol/L


Sodium Salicylate

5.07 mmol/L



3.70 mmol/L



3.21 mmol/L



37.26 mmol/L


Uric acid

1.49 mmol/L



19.98 mmol/L

User Performance Evaluation

A study evaluating glucose values from fingertip capillary blood samples 

obtained by 100 lay persons showed the following results:
100 % within ±0.83 mmol/L of the medical laboratory values at glucose 

concentrations below 5.55 mmol/L, and 97.2 % within ±15 % of the medical 

laboratory values at glucose concentrations at or above 5.55 mmol/L.

25  Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Warranty

i-SENS, Inc. warrants that the CareSens S Fit BT meter shall be free of defects in 

material and workmanship in normal use for a period of five (5) years. The meter 

must have been subjected to normal use. The warranty does not cover improper 

handling, tampering, use, or service of the meter. Any claim must be made 

within the warranty period.

i-SENS will, at its discretion, repair or replace a defective meter or meter part 

that is covered by this warranty. As a matter of warranty policy, i-SENS will not 

reimburse the consumer’s purchase price.

Obtaining Warranty Service

To obtain warranty service, you must return the defective meter or meter part 

along with proof of purchase to your nearest i-SENS 

sales or customer service representative.

i-SENS, Inc.

43, Banpo-daero 28-gil

Seocho-gu, Seoul 06646, Korea


Spirit Healthcare Ltd.

Spirit House, Saffron Way, 

Off Saffron Lane, Leicester, LE2 6UP

Customer Support Tel : 0800 881 5423


Medical Technology Promedt 

Consulting GmbH

Altenhofstrasse 80

66386 St. Ingbert, Germany

2023 i-SENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



















Summary of Contents for CareSens S Fit

Page 1: ...ting Up Your System 10 10 Setting the Sound On OFF 13 11 Turning on the Strip Expiration Date Indicator 13 12 Setting the Hypoglycemia Lo Indicator 14 13 Setting the Hyperglycemia Hi Indicator 15 14 S...

Page 2: ...screening for diabetes or for testing newborns Meaning of Symbols Used CE Mark Authorised representative in the European Communmity European Union In vitro diagnostic medical device Caution Biologica...

Page 3: ...patients should not be tested with blood glucose meters Inaccurate results may occur in patients undergoing oxygen therapy If you need assistance please contact the Spirit Healthcare 24 7 Freephone S...

Page 4: ...lood Glucose Monitoring System CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose Monitoring System includes the following items CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose Meter Instructions for Use CareSens S Fit BT Blood Glucose...

Page 5: ...ke sure the meter is turned off Push the cover in the direction of the arrow to open the battery compartment Step 2 Remove the used battery Slip your thumb finger and pulling it out with your index an...

Page 6: ...the meter components in the carrying case to prevent loss and help keep the meter clean Avoid getting any liquid or moisture in the test strip vial This can affect the test strips and cause inaccurat...

Page 7: ...est strips are used and stored according to its storage and handling methods Store test strips in a cool and dry place at a temperature between 1 30 C and 10 90 relative humidity Keep test strips away...

Page 8: ...m the meter to a computer with a cable Display Shows results and messages S Button Turns the meter on off confirms menu selections and changes information Button Turns the meter on selects or changes...

Page 9: ...e selected normal blood glucose range 11 Lo appears when the test result is lower than the selected hypoglycemia level 12 alarm appears when the time alarm has been set 13 mmol L mg dL unit for measur...

Page 10: ...s the S button when the screen display bT while OFF is blinking on the botton of the screen Then the meter will go to Step 4 Adjusting the Date and Time mode Note Follow steps 2 3 to pair your meter a...

Page 11: ...instructions on SmartLog mobile app to begin searching your meter Look for CareSens and the last 4 characters of the meter serial number on the SmartLog mobile app screen to correctly identify your m...

Page 12: ...d off after 3 seconds Then repeat Step 2 to 5 to connect your meter with smartphone Note Some smartphones especially those that are not tested or approved by i SENS may be incompatible with your meter...

Page 13: ...me for a pre set blood glucose test If the sound is set to OFF none of the sound functions will work After setting the sound press the S button to go to the next step Note The symbol is displayed only...

Page 14: ...allows you to select the desired level for the hypoglycemia indicator possible low blood sugar You will be alerted any time your test result is lower than the selected level Press the or button until...

Page 15: ...set hyperglycemia level the meter will display Hi If the test result is greater than between 13 4 and 33 3 mmol L KET will blink three times on the screen Note If your blood glucose is measured to be...

Page 16: ...nk at the bottom of the screen Press the or Press button until the correct month appears Press and hold the S button for 3 seconds to confirm the month and turn off the meter 15 Checking the System Yo...

Page 17: ...ore at a temperature between 8 30 C You may do a control solution test When you want to practice the test procedure using the control solution instead of blood When using the meter for the first time...

Page 18: ...t surface It helps to squeeze a drop onto the top of the cap as shown After the symbol appears on the display apply the solution to the tip of the test strip until the meter beeps Make sure the confir...

Page 19: ...the test result falls outside of the range Out of range results may occur in following situations Situations Do This When the control solution bottle was not shaken well When the meter test strip or t...

Page 20: ...lancing device Cap Lancet Holder Sliding Barrel Release Button Load Confirmation Window Ejection System Lancet Adjustable Tip The lancing device is for use by a single user only and should not be shar...

Page 21: ...fter use Replace lancing device tip 3 4 5 6 7 Step 4 Turn the adjustable tip until it is aligned with the load confirmation window and release button as shown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Step 5 The lancing device h...

Page 22: ...e sample size Preparing the Meter and Test Strip Step 7 Insert a test strip with the contact bars facing upwards into the meter s test strip port Push the strip in gently until the meter beeps Be care...

Page 23: ...allow any foreign substances such as dirt blood or water enter into the meter The meter may be damaged or may malfunction Follow the warning information provided below to prevent possible damage to t...

Page 24: ...g to a result to indicate particular situations while the strip is still in the meter When the result is displayed right after a test press the or button to select a pre meal flag a post meal flag or...

Page 25: ...3 3 mmol L and indicate severe hyperglycemia much higher than normal glucose levels If HI is displayed again upon retesting please contact your healthcare professional immediately Lo Message Lo appear...

Page 26: ...er can be transferred from the meter to a computer using SmartLog software and cable The meter screen displays PC when it is connected to the computer using the data cable For more information contact...

Page 27: ...rage values of Pre meal Post meal or fasting each representative symbol will be appeared on the screen with the average values and the number of tests peformed Step 3 Use the button to scroll back thr...

Page 28: ...et alarms alarm 1 3 The PP2 alert goes off 2 hours after setting the alert The alarms ring for 15 seconds and can be silenced by pressing the or S button or by inserting a test strip Setting the Post...

Page 29: ...is blinking on the screen On pressing the button the alarm 1 is set and On is displayed on the screen Press the button again to cancel the alarm 1 The OFF will blink on the screen Step 2 Press the bu...

Page 30: ...e appears before applying the blood or control solution sample The temperature during the test was above or below the operating range Move to an area where the temperature is within the operating rang...

Page 31: ...a problem with Bluetooth communication Contact the Spirit Healthcare 24 7 Freephone Support Line at 0800 881 5423 or go to www spirit healthcare co uk An electronic error occurred during the test Repe...

Page 32: ...w test strip The test result does not match the way you feel Repeat the test with a new test strip Check the expiration date of the test strip Perform control solution test Note If the problem is not...

Page 33: ...00 System accuracy results for glucose concentration 5 55 mmol L Within 5 Within 10 Within 15 298 420 71 0 403 420 96 0 417 420 99 3 System accuracy results for glucose concentrations between 1 5 mmol...

Page 34: ...The effect of various interfering substances was evaluated in whole blood samples The presence of the following substances within the given concentrations does not affect blood glucose measurements H...

Page 35: ...ylate 5 07 mmol L 20 Tolbutamide 3 70 mmol L 21 Tolazamide 3 21 mmol L 22 Triglycerides 37 26 mmol L 23 Uric acid 1 49 mmol L 24 Xylose 19 98 mmol L User Performance Evaluation A study evaluating gluc...

Page 36: ...at is covered by this warranty As a matter of warranty policy i SENS will not reimburse the consumer s purchase price Obtaining Warranty Service To obtain warranty service you must return the defectiv...
