Steering system
The steering system, steering axle, and steering linkage on your truck should be inspected
periodically for abnormal looseness and damage, leaking seals, etc.. Also, be alert for any
changes in steering action. Hard steering, excessive freeplay (Looseness), or unusual
sound when turning or maneuvering indicates a need for inspection or servicing.
Check the steering system by moving the steering handwheel in a full right turn and then in a full
left turn. Return the handwheel to the straight ahead position. The steering system components
should operate smoothly when the handwheel is turned. Never operate a truck that has a
steering system fault.
Fasten your seat belt before driving the truck.
Direction control, braking and inching
Be sure that the travel area is clear in front of the truck.
Push firmly on the brake pedal. Release the parking brake. Move the directional control lever
Remove your right foot from the service brake pedal and put it on the accelerator pedal. Push
down until the truck moves slowly forward. Remove your foot from the accelerator pedal and
push down on the service brake pedal to stop the truck. The brakes should apply smoothly and
Be sure the travel area is clear behind the truck.
Put the directional control lever in the REVERSE travel position. Release the service brake and
push down on the accelerator pedal until the truck moves slowly in the reverse direction.
Remove your foot from the accelerator pedal and push down on the service brake pedal to stop
the truck. The brakes should apply smoothly and equally.
Put the directional control in FORWARD. Press the inching pedal fully down and hold. Depress
the accelerator. The truck should not move. Now, with the accelerator still depressed, slowly
release the inching pedal until the truck Inches forward smoothly and slowly.
Report any problems.
When you have completed the operational tests, park and leave the truck according to
standard shut down procedure as described in section 5 of this manual. Be sure to make
a record of all maintenance and operating problems you find.
To check fluid levels and other components within the engine compartment, unlatch and open the
hood to access the engine compartment.
To avoid the possibility of personal injury, never work in the engine compartment with the
engine running, except when it is absolutely necessary to check or make adjustments.
Take extreme care to keep hands, tools, loose clothing, etc., away from the fan and drive
belts. Also remove watches, bracelets, and rings.
Engine accessories
Inspect the engine coolant hoses and fan belt (s). Look for leaking and obvious damage, worn
(frayed) condition, breaks, etc. that could cause failure during operation.