W h e n t r a v e l i n g a t h i g h s p e e d , d o n o t
W h e n t r a v e l i n g a t h i g h s p e e d , d o n o t
abruptly decelerate by using the trans-
abruptly decelerate by using the trans-
mission lever, to slow down instead press
mission lever, to slow down instead press
the brake pedal.
the brake pedal.
When changing direction, check beforehand
When changing direction, check beforehand
there is no obstacle in the direction you will
there is no obstacle in the direction you will
be headed.
be headed.
Avoid changing direction at high speed.
Avoid changing direction at high speed.
Turning the truck
Turning the truck
Turn the truck by moving the steering wheel into
the desired direction.
You can turn the truck to the left or right by 52
Do not turn the truck abruptly when traveling
Do not turn the truck abruptly when traveling
at high speed and avoid turn on a slope.
at high speed and avoid turn on a slope.
Steering does not function with engine OFF.
Steering does not function with engine OFF.
Precautions when driving
Precautions when driving
If the monitor warning lamp lights up, put the
gear selector lever in the neutral position and
stop the truck. Stop the engine after running it
at low idling. Then resolve any problems
regarding operation of the truck.
When operating the truck, if the load is lighten
rapidly, the speed of the truck will increase. So,
be careful.
When the truck travels on uneven ground, keep
the truck traveling at low speed.