Audio Streaming
Songs (files) saved in your Bluetooth®
Wireless Technology enabled mobile phone
can be played through the audio system.
Select [Audio Streaming] ▶ Set
through TUNE knob
The Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
audio streaming feature may not be
supported in some mobile phones.
Outgoing Volume
This is used to set the volume of your
voice as heard by the other party while
on a Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
enabled handsfree call.
Select [Outgoing Volume] ▶ Set volume
through TUNE knob
Even while on a call, the volume can
be changed by using the
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
System Off
This feature is used when you do not
wish to use the Bluetooth® Wireless
Technology system.
Select [Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
System Off] ▶ Set through TUNE
If a phone is already connected, disconnect
the currently connected phone
and turn the Bluetooth® Wireless
Technology system off.
Using the Bluetooth® Wireless
Technology System
To use Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
when the system is currently off, follow
these next steps.
• Turning On Bluetooth® Wireless
Technology through the
Press the
key ▶ Screen Guidance
Moves to the screen where Bluetooth®
Wireless Technology functions can be
used and displays guidance.