5 Service interruption
This chapter describes the procedure for the service interruption of the product.
A service interruption may be required in the following cases:
Work on an open compact rack
End of operation
Integration of further components
Possible restrictions for the operation
If a product is taken out of service, the operation of other parts in the radio network may
be impaired as well. Discuss this problem with your service partner to obtain detailed
information on risks and on recommended procedures.
5.1 Shutting down hardware components
The installed hardware components CHU and BSCU operate with different software com-
ponents that should be shut down properly. For this reason, these hardware components
must be shut down before switching off the DIB-R5 flexibleTx.
The following table provides an overview of the order in which the hardware components
should be shut down.
Shutting down hardware components (order)
Hardware component
BSCU (standby)
With redundant BSCUs (controller redundancy), the BSCU in standby
mode must be shut down first to prevent a switchover of the BSCUs.
The operating status of the BSCU is indicated via LEDs, refer to
Table “Legend: Indicators (LEDs) of the BSCU” on page 49
BSCU (operational)
Shutting down the CHU
All installed CHUs are automatically shut down at the same time when shutting down
the BSCUs without standby BSCU (controller redundancy). The CHUs do not have to be
shut down individually except for service and maintenance purposes.
Service interruption
Shutting down hardware components
DIB-R5 flexibleTx
Operation Manual 90DIBR5flexibleTxOM02 - 1.2