3. Position each fork the same distance from the center of
the carriage. This action will help center the load on the car-
riage. Set the forks as far apart as possible for maximum
support of the load. Center the weight of the load between
the forks.
If the weight of the load is not centered between the forks,
the load can fall from the forks when you turn a corner or hit
a bump. An off--center load will increase the possibility of
the truck tipping over to the side.
Make sure the pins that keep the forks in position are en-
gaged so that the forks cannot move.
4. For carriages or attachments that can be sideshifted, the
load should be centered on the centerline of the lift truck
before the load is transported. Capacities listed under “Cen-
tered” on the Nameplate apply when transporting loads that
are centered on the centerline of the lift truck. Capacities
listed under “Sideshifted” on the Nameplate apply if loads
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