4500 SRM 971
Double-Reach Scissor Arms
position of alignment to install the pins that fas-
ten the weldment to the inner frame. Install the
bushings, pins, and shoulder bolts. Slowly lower
the weldment so it hangs from the pins. Remove
the crane and chains or slings.
The scissor arms are heavy and can cause an
injury if allowed to fall. Have another person
help you support the scissor arm during re-
moval and installation.
Install two thrust washers and the bushing on
each stub shaft of scissor arm weldment B. In-
stall scissor arm 2B on scissor arm weldment B.
Make sure there are two thrust washers on each
side of the scissor arm. Tighten the three cap-
screws at the end cap to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft).
Install two of the thrust washers and the bushing
on the stub shaft at the end pivot of scissor arm
Install the crane and chains or slings as a support
for scissor arm weldment A. Move the weldment
into a position of alignment to install the weld-
ment on scissor arm 2B. Install the weldment,
the other two thrust washers, the end cap, a new
lockwasher, and the two capscrews. Tighten the
two capscrews to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft).
The scissor arms are heavy and can cause an
injury if allowed to fall. Have another person
help you support the scissor arm during re-
moval and installation.
Install scissor arm 1B on scissor arm weldments
B and A. Make sure there are two thrust washers
on each side of the scissor arm at the center pivot.
Also make sure there are two thrust washers on
each side of the arm of scissor arm weldment A.
Use lockwashers at the end pivots. Tighten the
three capscrews at the center pivot to 41 N•m
(30 lbf ft). Tighten the two capscrews at the end
pivots to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft).
The scissor arm assembly is heavy and can
cause an injury during installation.
put any part of your body between the inner
frame and the scissor arm assembly. NEVER
put any part of your body between the parts of
the scissor arm assembly.
Do not let the load bearings or shims fall off the
scissor arms.
Correct placement of shims is critical for the
operation of the reach mechanism. Unless the shims
are installed correctly, the reach mechanism will not
Slowly raise the weldment so you can install the
shim sets and load bearings on scissor arms 1B
and 2B as marked during removal. If necessary,
use tape to keep the load bearings on the scissor
Use the crane to slowly raise scissor arm weld-
ment B by lifting weldment A to align the load
bearings with the removal notches in the inner
frame. Use the crane to move the scissor arm as-
sembly so the load bearings move into the chan-
Slowly raise scissor arm assembly to align the
mounts with the rod ends of the reach cylinders.
Install the bushings, pins, and shoulder bolts
to fasten the reach cylinders to the scissor arm
The scissor arms are heavy and can cause an
injury if allowed to fall. Have another person
help you support the scissor arm during re-
moval and installation.
Move scissor arm weldment A for alignment and
install scissor arm 2A on scissor arm weldments
A and B. Make sure there are two thrust wash-
ers on each side of the scissor arm at the center
pivot. Tighten the three capscrews at the center
pivot to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft). Also make sure there
are two thrust washers on each side of the arm
of scissor arm weldment B. Tighten the two cap-
screws at the end pivots to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft).
Install scissor arm 1A using the same procedure.