Hyquest Solutions Pty Ltd
Top Set Rod – Model: MagnaRod
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Issue 1.03 5 Mar, 2013
Top Set Rod Operation
1. Move the Rod to its lowest position
and press “
” (Left Button)
The display will indicate the preset
offset from the stream bed to the
current meter position.
Sensor Err
” indicates the Tajimi connector is not screwed in)
2. Move the Rod so the centre of the
current meter mounting bracket is at
the water surface.
The water depth is shown with the
symbol indicating the measurement is
from the stream bed to the surface.
3. Press “Surface” (Right Button) and a scale will appear on
the right hand side of the display. The Depth is also
displayed, initially indicating 0.00D. The symbol also
indicates that the distance and depth is being measured
from the surface down to the current meter. The total water
depth (or Sounding) is displayed on the bottom of the
screen. (“
Depth too small
” indicates you have moved the
rod less than 0.02ft (5mm) which is not enough)
4. Slide the Rod down to the required
percentage depth D. The display on the
right shows 0.20 of sounding as
measured from the water surface, 0.20D
The vernier scale on the right of the
display indicates the exact depth when
the two arrows line up (0.25ft).
5. Change to the CMC display by pressing and holding the Left Button. Perform a velocity
measurement at this point of the vertical (See the next page for details on measuring
6. Keep sliding the Rod down to the
next required depth, say 0.60D. There is
no need to return to the TSR Display, as
the depth 0.60D is displayed on the
bottom of the CMC Display.
Repeat this complete process at each vertical where measurements are taken.
TSR Display
CMC Display