Field Service Bulletin
2. Reinstall the four (4) screws on B1 that were removed earlier.
3. Place the PC-104 Power Cable (229169) so that the PCB is near the access hole next to the DC Power Supply
(041626). Clean the area where the cable tie will be installed, remove the adhesive backing from the cable tie base
under the PCB, and secure the PCB to the bottom of the Control Box (see Figure 3).
Access hole
Power cable PCB
Figure 3
Figure 3.1
DC power supply
CPU heatsink on B1
Figure 2
Install the new PC-104 stack and cable (141023)
1. Place the new PC-104 stack (141023) into the Control Box, and orient it so that the CPU heatsink on B1 is on the
same side as the DC Power Supplies (See figure 2).
4. Connect the P50 cable end to J1 on the power cable PCB.
Note: PC-104 power cable connections:
P50A cable end is connected to B1, J13 on the PC-104 stack.
P50B cable end is connected to J2 on the power cable PCB.
P50 cable end from the power source connects to J1 on the power cable PCB.
P50 cable end