Function Screen/Mode
Data Logging Bench-Test
RDU + RDU cable + optional RPM or
temperature sensors
Press ‘C’ to log readings to SD card or to cease logging under full user control. Each start creates a new log file with unique file
number and showing date and time. Blinking message on screen acts as recording indicator.
Warning, do NOT power off the Emeter II while logging is in progress.
Press ‘C’ on BATTERY or ANALYSER screens to stop logging first.
Set RDU data logging
parameters for the In-
Action mode
RDU + RDU cable
Set Trigger type for start of logging:
– start logging when actual current exceeds specified trigger amps
If amps fall below trigger level, then logging will stop if the RECORD SECS (expiry time) has elapsed.
Increase amps above trigger current to resume logging. There will be multiple sets of data readings – one set for each time the
actual current rises above then falls below the specified trigger amps. These different sets will all be down-loaded to the SD
card as a single file. The time display resets to 0 at the start of each set. For continuous logging after amps start, set expiry
record time = 0 or very high. If the RDU is unplugged from the main power source, then, once the RDU and power source are
re-connected, a new data log file will be created. The download action, if chosen, will copy all files from the RDU to the SD card
– this option is used for motor-less models which cannot use an AMPS based trigger. Logging begins once start delay
seconds have elapsed after RDU connected to main Power Pack and continues until the RDU is disconnected or the record time
– logging controlled by signal from spare receiver channel. Pulse width < 1300
s. will stop logging and > 1700
starts logging
Set recording expiry time (in secs.) for data logging session or zero for unlimited length
Set sample rate from 4 per second to 8 secs. per sample. This sample rate applies to both In-Action and Bench-Test modes.
Save logging parameters by pressing ‘A’
6.3 Set up RDU logging of:
Amps, Volts, RPM, Ambient
temp, 3 external temps,
RDU + optional RPM and temperature sensors
NO RDU cable from RDU to Emeter II
3 wire cable from spare Rx channel to RDU
Rx input (for manual logging start)
- Connect optional rpm sensor to RDU RPM port and any one of brushless motor input leads. Note that the ambient temperature
and height will be recorded automatically by sensors built in to the RDU. Connect option temp. sensor #1 to the 4 pin plug on the
RDU marked ‘AUX’, and connect option Temps #2 and #3 to Temp #1. Where possible, use adhesive tape to prevent movement
between the sensors and target to ensure good contact (example, motor, power pack and ESC).
- Connect RDU main power wires to ESC. When ready to run model, connect RDU to power pack. Green LED should flash on RDU
at the sample rate. Green LED changes to red whilst logging is in progress. Time based logging will stop when the Record Secs. on
the RDU SET-UP have elapsed or the RDU is disconnected from the model’s power-pack.
Amps triggered logging will stop when the Record Secs have elapsed AND the current drops below the trigger amps.
Logging will resume again if the current rises above the trigger amps; a fresh Record Secs time will apply
Data to Emeter II
At switch on-time an automatic message
appears if RDU carries data which has not
been downloaded
RDU + SD Card + RDU cable
Connect RDU to Emeter II via RDU cable
Switch Emeter II on – should receive message ‘found dataset – download now?’
Reply ‘Yes’ by pressing ‘D’ or ‘A’ to defer the transfer of data held in the RDU until later
The progressive status of download is shown and the data is downloaded to the SD Card with a unique file number and showing the
date and time of the download
View log files
SD Card
Use ‘D’ to browse to required log file. Log files have a unique file number and show the date and time stamps which are set to the
date and the time of:
the download from RDU to Emeter II or
the time when a Bench-Test log file was created
Logged data for both In-Action and Bench-Test consists of:
Watts Input
Ma-h out
Ma-h In
Ambient Temp
Sensor 1 temp
Sensor 2 temp
Sensor 3 temp
Graphing of log files
SD Card
After highlighting a Log File from the list, press ‘C’ to select. The Graph function will allow any two of volts, amps, height and rpm
to be plotted against time. For full details, refer to Emeter II Manual.