Manuel de montage des antennes Hautes performances Wi200-Wi700
HYPERCABLE sarl 74 Avenue Paul Sabatier ZA de la Coupe 11.100 Narbonne Tel : +33 (0) 4 68 70 91 75 - Fax : 04 68 70 91 76
Mail : [email protected] - N° SIRET : 384 007 894 00023 – Code TVA CEE: FR90384007894 -
30 cm antenna Z24A30T37301
Remarks: Before Installation, please read the instruction carefully.
This instruction book is for the installation of 0.3m ultra-high performance microwave
Installation, maintenance and removal of antenna system are suggested being carried
out by a qualified experienced personnel.
To guarantee performance, the antenna system is suggested being inspected once a year
by a qualified personnel.