4. Wire Size Selection
All electrical systems lose energy due to resistance in conductors: the wires.
The larger the wire is , the less resistance and the loss are
Resistance losses will also increase with increasing current; therefore, if you installation is at a high wind site, it may be worthwhile to go with a
larger size wire to lower the loss and enhance the output of wind turbine.
Conversely, in low wind sites it may not be cost effective to increase the wire size since power production will be comparative lower.
To determine the wire size, measuring the distance from the batteries to wind turbine is necessary, be sure to include height of the tower. Refer to the
appropriate chart for your system voltage and select the wire size. The following wire sizes provide maximum annual energy losses of 3% for most
HY-1500/48V system
Distance from wind generator
to controller
0—10m 11—20m 21—30m 31—40m 41—50m 51—60m 61—70m 70—100m
AWG/Metric Wire Size
11/4 mm²
9/6 mm²
8/8 mm²
7/10 mm²
6/13 mm²
5/16 mm²
5/16 mm²
4/21 mm²
HY-1500/120V system
Distance from wind
to controller
0—10m 11—20m 21—30m 31—40m 41—50m 51—70m 71—90m 91—110m
AWG/Metric Wire
Size mm²
11/4 mm²
11/4 mm²
11/4 mm²
11/4 mm²
11/4 mm²
11/4 mm²
9/6 mm²
9/6 mm²