pump starts each time it is
plugged directly into the
receptacle and does not start
each time when plugged into
the piggyback switch with the
float raised, replace the
complete piggyback switch
assembly and retest with
new assembly.
2. If motor does not run when
tested as described above, the
capacitor and/or stator must
be checked.
Disconnect from power supply.
Remove plug (#6) from top of
housing and pour oil into
container, preferably clear, so
that oil can be observed.
3. If oil is clear, it will indicate
motor is not burned and there
has been no water leak into the
motor. If oil is cloudy, it will
indicate water in motor, or, if
oil is black, it will indicate a
burned stator.
4. After draining oil, carefully
loosen the power cord assembly
(#22) from the motor housing
(#2). With power cord loose,
remove the screws (#4) and
carefully lift off the motor
housing (#2) exposing the
motor assembly.
5. On single phase (1ø) units,
check capacitor (#28) using
ohmmeter. With ohmmeter
scale set at R x 1000, attach
meter leads to capacitor leads.
The meter needle should go to
zero and come back slowly. If
it does not, the capacitor
should be replaced.
6. To check motor stator, remove
power cord leads from terminals
on top of motor (1ø) or remove
splice connectors (3ø). If
stator is visibly burned, motor
assembly must be replaced.
Ground check
on stator should
be performed using ohmmeter
with scale set at R x 100 and
checking meter by putting
both meter leads together and
adjusting the needle knob until
meter reads zero. If meter
cannot be adjusted to zero, it
will indicate that batteries in
meter must be replaced.
Always make this test with the
meter when scale pointer is set
to a new scale before making
any checks on the motor.
Now connect one meter lead to
one terminal of stator and
touch the other meter lead to
motor stator shell. If needle on
ohmmeter goes completely to
zero, the motor probably has a
wire touching the stator at
some point and the motor
assembly will have to be
replaced. Repeat for each leg
or wire lead.
Winding resistance test
be performed if the ground test
is satisfactory. Use ohmmeter
with scale pointer set on R x 1
scale. On this scale, meter
reads directly on ohms.
Always check the meter with
leads together as described
above under Ground Check
test before making a reading of
the winding.
Connect one meter lead to the
white wire terminal and the
other meter lead to the black
wire terminal. This reading is
for the main winding. If the
readings obtained do not agree
with those given below, the
stator is defective and the
motor assembly must be replaced.
Reconnect the wires as they
were removed.
9. For three phase pumps, remove
the power cord assembly (#22)
by cutting the butt connection
(#21) and remove the power
cord from the pump.
10.Twist the three leads of one
end of the power cord together.
Then at the other end, with an
ohmmeter, check any two
leads. Also check the third lead
with either of the first two. If
a zero reading is indicated
for any wire, the wire is
broken and a new power cord
assembly must be ordered.
11. If the winding is grounded,
remove the pipe plug in the top
of the pump and drain the oil
into a clear container. A milky
appearance to the oil will
indicate that water has entered
through worn or damaged
seals or O-rings. If this is
the case, the mechanical seals
and all O-rings will have to
be replaced.
The pump is equipped with a
mechanical seal. The seal (#14)
consists of a ceramic stationary
seat and a carbon rotating ring. To
check seal, remove bottom plate
(12) and impeller (11).
As noted, if water is detected in
the motor housing, inspect the
power cord connection, pipe
plug connections, O-rings, the
motor housing itself, and the
mechanical seal.
There are approximately two
quarts of oil in the motor housing.
This is a paraffinic “SE-40”
process oil.
If the seal is damaged, water
will seep in and stain the oil,
changing it from clear, to slightly
discolored, to cloudy, and finally
to a milky white.
1ø Start 1ø Main 3ø Bal. 1ø Start 1ø Main 3ø Bal.