11.The discharge pipe should
protrude approximately 4"
above the surface of the lid.
Attach the check valve (Fig. 3,
Item 4) to the discharge pipe
with the arrow on the check
valve body, indicating flow,
pointing away from the pump.
12.Connect 2" discharge pipe and
2" vent pipe into house
CAUTION: The unit must be
vented according to local codes.
Toilet will not flush unless
properly vented.
13.If additional fixture(s) are
being added to your
installation, a 2" rubber pipe
seal must be inserted in
the tank. Refer to Fig. 1
for location.
NOTE: The bottom of the
additional fixture,
a 3"
diameter hole, must be 5"
minimum above the base of the
tank, as shown in Fig. 1.
14.Drill 3" diameter hole at the
desired location on one of the
four sides of the pump
chamber surface. The center
line of the hole must be a
minimum of 1" above the tank
top surface if one of the sides
is chosen for the flange
15.After choosing the spot for the
hole, lightly center punch hole
centers on pump chamber.
16.Drill a 3" diameter hole with a
hole saw for mounting the 2"
rubber pipe seal to the tank.
Hole diameter
must not be oversized or the
tank may leak. The hole should
be no bigger than 3.05".
17.Lubricate 2" rubber pipe seal
with soapy water and push it
into 3" drilled hole. Lubricate
fixture drain pipe and push
through the 2" rubber pipe seal
into the pump chamber. Pipe
must not interfere with the
operation of or touch
the pump.
18.Test the pump by partially
filling the tank to a depth of
approximately 4". This can be
checked with the tape measure
through the opening where
toilet is to be installed. Plug in
the pump. The pump will turn
on before the water level
reaches 4-1/2".
CAUTION: Unplug the pump
before adjusting the switch. If
the pump does not turn on
before 4-1/2", slide the upper
rubber “stop” down the float
rod and retest. If the pump
starts before 3-1/4", slide the
upper “stop” to a higher point
on the float rod and retest. The
pump must turn on between
3-1/4" and 4-1/2".
19.Check the tank for leaks.
Attach the cord to the
discharge or vent pipe. Do not
leave an excess length of cord
inside tank. It may interfere
with the proper operation of
the pump.
20.Test the tank discharge pipe
and vent pipe with 10 feet
water column if required by
local code. Plug the 4"
diameter opening in the tank
with an expandable plumbers
plug. Make certain the tank lid
screws are torqued down
properly. The system can
now be tested per code
WARNING: The tank and lid
will expand with the water
column pressure while tested.
If the tank is to be installed
under the floor, the testing
should be completed before the
floor is installed.
21. Install wax toilet bowl seals at
hole and install toilet in place
following the instructions
from the wax seal package.
NOTE: Do not use wax seal
having flange that extends
into tank; it may cause
clogging. If a 1/2" or 1/4" floor
is installed over the tank, the
appropriate floor flange
extender seal kit must be
used. See item 3 in the
installation instructions.
22. Hook up water line to toilet.
Turn on water and fill tank.
Test for leaks, flush toilet and
allow pump to cycle to ensure
proper operation.